Arrium shareholders fight company's sale, suggest Moly-Cop business should be sold to pay debt

Posted November 04, 2016 06:38:41

Arrium's profitable Moly-Cop business should be sold with proceeds used to pay off the steel-maker's debts rather than a whole-company sale, a disgruntled group of shareholders says.

Arrium Shareholders United is a group of 280 shareholders who want Moly-Cop sold with the proceeds used to pay off debt and a refinance deal struck to keep the company trading.

But group spokesman Steven Dahlin said the administrators wanted to sell the whole business, including the Whyalla steelworks and would seek approval to do that at a creditors' meeting today.

Mr Dahlin said the company's situation had changed dramatically since it went into administration earlier this year.

"Now the fundamentals have changed completely in the business since it went into administration the iron ore price and the steel price up," Mr Dahlin said.

"They've also made huge productivity and cost saving initiatives as well so it's a completely different business.

"It's turned around 100 per cent since administration so we think the company has a good prospects to be able to be returned to shareholders."

Mr Dahlin said shareholders would not get to vote at today's meeting.

Arrium has debts of more than $4 billion and was placed into voluntary administration in April, putting more than 8,000 jobs at risk nationwide.

The company's mining and steelworks operations have been underperforming, but its Moly-Cop business was profitable.

Moly-Cop was purchased by OneSteel (now Arrium) in 2010.

It is the largest manufacturer and supplier of steel grinding balls and rods to mining operations worldwide.

A delegation, which included SA Treasurer Tom Koutsantonis and Federal Minister Greg Hunt, recently travelled to South Korea, to meet the country's largest steelmaker POSCO — the only company to show interest publicly in Arrium.

Topics: steel, industry, company-news, states-and-territories, federal---state-issues, government-and-politics, whyalla-5600, adelaide-5000, sa