American musician and conservative activist Theodore Anthony “Ted” Nugent would not ruled out a potential 2018 Senate bid in an exclusive interview with the Daily Caller News Foundation (TheDCNF).

“I’m always very interested in making my country and the great state of Michigan great again and there is nothing I wouldn’t do to help in any way I possibly can,” Nugent told TheDCNF in an interview Wednesday.

Nugent shared a story from West Michigan Politics, a local Michigan political blog, which entertained the idea of a Ted Nugent 2018 Senate run Tuesday.

Michigan’s 2018 U.S. Senate race is likely to garner a lot of attention, as the state went red for a presidential election for the first time since 1988. Incumbent Democrat Sen. Debbie Stabenow, elected in 2000, successfully held off Republican challengers in 2006 and 2012.

“If these GOP sonsabitches don’t get it right this time I will come charging in as the ultimate WE THE PISSED OFF PEOPLE Mr FixIt Consitutional firebreathing shitkicker candidate from hell!” Nugent said on his official Facebook page, sharing the blog post.

“Though we dodged the toxic blue bullet on November 8 and showed that the real Michigan is bright red, the embarrassing high-crime blue smudges in the state must be fixed and removed ASAP,” Nugent asserted, likely referring to the urban centers that regularly vote overwhelmingly Democrat.

Nugent said that in order to restore faith in the government, Constitutional accountability is the answer.

While news has emerged that Michigan conservative activists and a number of party officials are itching for Robert Ritchie aka Kid Rock to run in 2018, it’s Nugent who is throwing candidate-sized political punches. (RELATED: Kid Rock For U.S. Senate 2018?)

“What sort of anti-American fool doesn’t believe we need secure borders?” and “What sort of Michael Moore freak sides with criminals instead of law enforcement heroes?” Nugent asked incredulously.

“Who on God’s good green earth can possibly support the redistribution of hard working Americans’ earnings to people unwilling to earn their own way?” he continued. “We the people are justifiably fed up with ‘Fedzilla’ and bureaucrats of every stripe,” he asserted.

Stabenow defeated former Rep. Pete Hoekstra by nearly one million votes (58 percent to 39 percent) in 2012. Democrat Gary Peters defeated Republican candidate Terry Lynn Land by 13 points in 2014, even as Republicans held on to the governorship and other offices down ballot.

“Ted Nugent is definitely someone who is in Michigan, he is involved in the public debates here, and he was really there for Donald Trump when he was needed,” Scott Hagerstrom, State Director for the Donald Trump campaign told TheDCNF.

“I would certainly welcome him giving it a hard look,” he said. “Ted [Nugent] would be the perfect person to tie together the Trump coalition with the Reagan Democrats and blue collar Democrats down river and in Macomb County,” Hagerstrom added, referring to birthplace of Reagan Democrats outside of Detroit.

Nugent said that he would have to determine if his candidacy could, “provide meaningful upgrades and improvements in the American quality of life for the most productive and truly needy amongst us.” He also mentioned the fact that he will be 70 years old in 2018, and said that “complete support” from his family is “imperative.”

If he does decide to run, Nugent said that his campaign slogan would be, “Make Michigan, Michigan again,” and he explained what that would mean. “My beloved birth state of Michigan still has godawful rules, laws and regulations that are more akin to Illinois, New York, New Jersey, Maryland and Massachusetts than the real Michigan so I remain poised to do what I can,” he explained.

Nugent said that his campaign song would be “a very loud ‘Stranglehold.’”

He would run on a platform of Fiscal/Constitutional accountability, living within our means and eliminating the counterproductive regulatory obstacles for hard working “Michiganiacs.”

Nugent is strongly supportive of President Donald Trump’s performance in the Oval Office thus far. “He is addressing and acting upon the most obvious needed upgrades good Americans have been craving and demanding for a very long time,” Nugent said.


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