

Alex Rullo is 16, in high school .. and in the hot seat with a Supercars licence

Leading Supercars competitors are concerned that an under-age driver will be allowed to race against them despite tougher qualification standards for newcomers.

Perth high school senior Alex Rullo is set to become the youngest driver to contest the Supercars championship even though he doesn't meet the new minimum age of 17.

Rullo, 16, also hasn't achieved the required results in junior racing to qualify for the newly introduced Superlicence, implemented this year to ensure young drivers are ready to graduate to the top level.

Several established drivers are worried that he is not experienced enough to join what it is regarded as the toughest – and roughest – touring car championship in the world, citing safety concerns.

But Rullo, who will juggle racing in the Supercars championship with completing his high school studies, is unfazed by the controversy and attention his early promotion has attracted.

"I'm up to it," he told Fairfax Media. "I know what's expected, I know the level that they compete at.


"I'm well aware of all that, so I'm just ready to get straight into it and to learn as much as possible, and make the absolute most out of it."

Rullo has been racing cars for only three years and, although accomplished for his tender age, he falls far short of the usual resume required for rookies in the Supercars championship.

Many of his recognised rivals are not only worried about his lack of racing experience, but they're also upset that the requirements for the Superlicence haven't been enforced.

Senior drivers question why they have to pay extra for a Superlicence when a raw rookie who doesn't meet the main criteria is approved.

Among them is 2015 Supercars champion Mark Winterbottom, who was a leading proponent of introducing stricter standards for newcomers.

"I support the Superlicence, but I don't support the way it's been implemented with a dispensation right from the start," Winterbottom said. "That licence is in place not only for performance, but also for safety.

"I came in at 21 and it was bloody tough. He's not only very young, but very inexperienced as well. It's not my problem as such, but it could be on track when you come across people who aren't up to it."

Rullo was controversially granted a dispensation from the key minimum requirements normally needed to earn the new Superlicence by the Confederation of Australian Motor Sport (CAMS), the national governing body.

CAMS introduced the Formula 1-style Superlicence this year following concerns that some young drivers were buying their way into the main Supercars championship with only limited experience in the second-tier V8 development series, which has been rebranded as Super2.

Rullo, whose racing ambitions are supported by his wealthy family, is the latest in a long line of "pay drivers" who bring funding and sponsorship to Supercars teams to gain a foothold.

He is bringing backing to cash-strapped Lucas Dumbrell Motorsport, a low-ranked squad that needs two sponsored drivers to continue this season, which begins with the Adelaide 500 street race event from March 3-5.

LDM has promoted Rullo after running him in last year's second-level Dunlop Series, without standout results, and fielding him in Supercars rookie tests and practice sessions under the mentorship of its then race-winning lead driver Nick Percat, who has moved up the order to Brad Jones Racing.

CAMS' decision to grant a waiver to Rullo and not his proposed LDM teammate Matt Chahda has been widely criticised for its inconsistency.

Chahda, 22, has more Super2 experience and out-performed Rullo last year, although he blotted his copybook by causing a multi-car crash at Sandown last September in a development series race.

His rejection of dispensation for a Superlicence was based on CAMS' view that "there are no exceptional circumstances to support a decision to waive the minimum requirements."

CAMS' statement added: "It is the opinion of CAMS that Matt Chahda has not demonstrated the necessary driving skill and competency to support the dispensation requested.

"CAMS values the safety of competitors, officials and fans above all other considerations."

Although CAMS claims Chahda and LDM were informed of the decision on Wednesday, he was introduced as Rullo's LDM teammate at the Supercars season launch in Adelaide on Thursday.

Chahda has committed sponsorship from a commercial patron and with just three weeks to the start of the season, LDM is expected to mount a legal challenge to force CAMS to issue him with a Superlicence, which costs an extra $500 on top of the annual $1800 racing licence fee.

Rullo, a Year 12 student at Perth's Trinity College, the private school famous for educating West Australian AFL players, was granted a Superlicence provisionally based on his mature performances in entry-level V8 racing in 2015 and again in the Dunlop Series last year.

His driving will be monitored until at least his 17th birthday on June 15, with CAMS reserving the right to withdraw his Superlicence if he is out of his depth.

Amid the furore, reaction to Rullo's ascension among leading Supercars drivers has been mixed.

Most outspoken is V8 rebel David Reynolds, who questioned the Superlicence scheme when waivers were available.

"There's no point and none of us is happy to pay the extra money to get it," Reynolds told Fairfax Media. "So a Superlicence is kind of pointless. It seems like they're just making it up as they go along.

"We all went through the junior categories and proved ourselves to be fast, capable, safe drivers.

Added Reynolds, who didn't make his Supercars main game debut until he was 24: "He (Rullo) has a hard task ahead of him. But I can understand the way it works with the money he's bringing to the team. You have to understand that's part of racing."

V8 veteran Craig Lowndes cautioned that Rullo runs the risk of ending his career prematurely if he makes too many rookie mistakes.

"I hope it works for him," Lowndes said. "I'm just worried that if he doesn't perform, it'll hurt his career more than help him.

"I just hope it doesn't hurt his career moving forward, if he either makes mistakes or his car breaks down or he gets hit from pillar to post, and then doesn't get any results and people dismiss him."

Lowndes agreed that Rullo would be "put through the wringer" against the toughest opposition in Australian motor racing.

"There's no doubt about that," he said. "In the past we've seen that even the young that have stepped up from winning the development series find it tough initially because it's a new level.

"There are 26 top drivers out there, not just five or six."

Added Winterbottom: "We can all make mistakes, but what's happened means the whole Superlicence process is discredited. When it starts, you should stick to the criteria and not instantly over-ride them."

New Zealand-born DJR Team Penske stars Scott McLaughlin and Fabian Coulthard, who both started racing early, are conflicted about Rullo's rapid rise.

"The reason they brought in the Superlicence was to prevent this sort of stuff," McLaughlin said. "But they've got around it and, in my opinion, it's now just a bit vague about why we even need it."

Coulthard, who has been racing since he was 12 thanks to NZ's more liberal minimum-age rules, predicted that Rullo will have a tough initiation.

"He's obviously been granted the Superlicence because they think he's good enough, so I guess we'll just have to wait and see," he observed. "But, starting young, if he's good enough and can do the job, then he's going to have a massive career.

"It's a tough category. From the development series to Supercars, it's a big jump. We'll just have to see if he's up to it."