Notes on Contributors

Samuel Arnold is assistant professor of political science at Texas Christian University (TCU) in Fort Worth, Texas. His publications include articles on John Rawls’s theory of justice, fairness in the distribution of meaningful and empowering work, and liberal egalitarian theory more broadly. He is also the author of the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy entry on socialism.

Robert Cohen retired from the German Department at New York University in 2012. He has published numerous articles on 20th-century German literature and several books on Peter Weiss, as well as two novels and an edition of the prison and Concentration Camp letters of Olga Benario and Carlos Prestes (Die Unbeugsamen, 2013). He is a contributor to the Historical-Critical Dictionary of Marxism (HKWM) and a member of the advisory board of the journal Das Argument.

Candela Hernández is a sociologist and Social Sciences PhD student (Gino Germani Institute of Research, University of Buenos Aires, National Council of Technical and Scientific Research), in Buenos Aires.

Denise Kasparian is a sociologist and Social Sciences PhD student (Gino Germani Institute of Research, University of Buenos Aires, National Council of Technical and Scientific Research), in Buenos Aires.

Glenn Kissack retired from teaching mathematics at Hunter College High School, where he served for years as the PSC grievance counselor. He currently is one of two retiree representatives on the PSC Executive Council and was proud to be one of more than 90 members arrested for civil disobedience during the contract campaign.

Julian Markels is Emeritus Professor of English at Ohio State University. He has published widely on Shakespeare, Melville, and Marxian poetics. His recent books are The Marxian Imagination: Representing Class In Literature and From Buchenwald to Havana: The Life and Opinions of a Socialist Professor.

Peter Kamau Mukuria was born in 1986 in Nairobi, Kenya, and raised in Richmond, Virginia. He is a cadre of the New Afrikan Black Panther Party–Prison Chapter. He has been incarcerated for ten years, five of them in solitary confinement. His writing and drawings have appeared in San Francisco Bay View. Address: #1197165, Red Onion State Prison, P.O. Box 1900, Pound, VA 24279.

Sanya Osha is a research fellow at the Institute for Economic Research on Innovation (IERI), and Centre for Excellence in Scientometrics and STI Policy at Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa, and is on the Editorial Board of Quest: An African Journal of Philosophy. His books include Kwasi Wiredu and Beyond (2005), Ken Saro-Wiwa’s Shadow: Politics, Nationalism and the Ogoni Protest Movement (2007), Postethnophilosophy (2011), and African Postcolonial Modernity (2014).

Orel Protopopescu, poet, translator and children’s author, won the Oberon poetry prize in 2010. Thelonious Mouse, her fourth picture book, won a Crystal Kite in 2012 from SCBWI. A Word’s a Bird, her animated, bilingual poetry book for iPad, was on SLJ’s list of ten best children’s apps. She has worked for progressive causes all her life, starting with membership in Long Island CORE when she was in high school.

Julián Rebón is a Researcher at the National Council of Technical and Scientific Research (Gino Germani Institute of Research, University of Buenos Aires), Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Jan Rehmann teaches critical theories and social analysis at Union Theological Seminary in New York and at the Free University in Berlin; he is co-editor of the journal Das Argument and of the Historical-Critical Dictionary of Marxism (HKWM); His books include Max Weber: Modernization as Passive Revolution. (2015), Theories of Ideology: The Powers of Alienation and Subjection (2014), Pedagogy of the Poor (with Willie Baptist, 2011), and Postmodernist Neo-Nietzscheanism (2004).

Adnan Sattar is a doctoral researcher in the Department of Law and Politics at Middlesex University, UK. He comes from Pakistan where he worked with several NGOs focusing on education, child protection and social development. He holds an MA in Human Rights from University College London and an LLM (Master of Laws) with Distinction from the University of Nottingham.

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