
Column 8

Firstly a plea from Stephanie Edwards of Wollstonecraft. "Peter Riley of Penrith, call Donald Trump anything you like except The Don. There will only ever be one of those – the late, great Sir Donald Bradman."

Also from Carolyn Wright of Raby. "Please! The Don means Don Bradman, this one is The Donald. My 98-year-old dad will have a heart attack if he hears of this misnomer."

Now a small clarification. "Our current monarch did not become head of the Commonwealth. She became head of the British Empire. The Commonwealth came later. We of a certain age remember getting a half-day holiday from school for Empire Day, or more 'correctly', cracker night." Thanks Bob Coote of Wentworth Falls and several others.

Edith Crowne of Turramurra writes: "Using captions to receive the Channel 9 news this morning, I read that Queen Elizabeth II will be slightly saddened on the occasion of her Sapphire Jubilee because it was also the occasion of the death of her father, King George XI. From whence came those extra five Georges?" 

"Too late Sue Jay of Drummoyne." (C8, first fake news.) "Yesterday Treasurer Scott Morrison used the term 'fake news' on Sydney radio to deflect a legitimate question (it was about some Liberal politicians wanting to discuss same-sex marriage)." Eric Sekula of Colah and similar from Robert Silvestrini of Fairfield West.

Ray Mason of Croydon Park also. "Sure I'm not the first but sadly Sue Jay loses her $10 bet, as Resources Minister Matt Canavan beat Ms Hanson in late December." Similar Meri Will, DY.


Perhaps the pet food manufacturer thinks cats can read. (C8 free pet food.) "They are not the only ones," says Patrick Hennessy, North Narrabeen. "At Dee Why close to near impenetrable bush is a fading sign with a picture of a cat with a red circle and line through the middle (same as a non-smoking sign), with 'no cats allowed' underneath." 

"Ever noticed that a cockatoo always eats with its left claw (except when injured)? I feel a real bond because I'm a cuddy wifter too." Hilary Walmsley of West Pymble.

Llieda Wild of Eastwood: "I received a brochure from one of the large supermarkets, the one with the annoying promotions [C8: that doesn't narrow it down], and they are advertising cheese imported from Tasmania. Did I miss something?"

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