

Leave the NDIS alone, tax the rich

 The Prime Minister and the Treasurer have sunk to a new low ("Turnbull government ties welfare cuts to NDIS funding", February 14). Not content with their long-running inference that those on welfare are less deserving (these proposed cuts been around in one form or another since 2014), they now propose a welfare class war.

Pitching those with disabilities against those welfare recipients targeted for cuts in their latest ill-fated tranche of legislation is so crass it borders on the unbelievable.

Welfare recipients of any class of benefit deserve to be treated with respect.

This government needs to stop singling out welfare cuts as its budget priority because the community, through our elected representatives, is just not wearing this approach. Australians are egalitarian - we all want you to tax the rich!

Mick Grimson Leumeah

As one relying upon welfare, I should've expected that those who need it the least are the ones most in favour of cutting it.


Dave Horsfall North Gosford

The too-cute tactic to cut social security support to some while claiming the savings will fund the National Disability Insurance Scheme is despicable. Whatever happened to ethics and decency? Are we so skint? Aren't there more than 600 companies operating here which pay no income tax, and those exporting our resources which pay little or no royalties?

Anne Finnane Marlee

The Treasurer says, "This government inherited a black hole when it came to the funding of the NDIS". The Herald reports: "Gas multinationals claim extra $50 billion in tax credits."Obvious solution - fill the NDIS funding black hole with the right level of petroleum resource rent tax. The difficulty is we need a Treasurer with the heart to take on the multinationals, and at the same time show compassion and understanding for the disabled and most vulnerable.

Mark Wyburn Garden Suburb

Our natural gas leaking potential taxes

Not only have multinational fuel companies exploited and exported most of our natural gas they are paying little tax (with our government's permission).

Rex Connor wanted to build a national pipeline to service the whole of Australia. If that had happened we would be driving gas powered cars, using gas produced electricity and many other uses.

Not only are we giving the gas away cheaply, we seem to be unable to collect the tax.

Bill McMahon Lennox Head

Something stinks when multinational companies can legally wrack up billions of dollars in tax credits while the overwhelming majority of Australians pay their tax before they see their pay packet.

Peter Thomas Rose Bay

It's easy to criticise Donald Trump for riding a wave of protectionism and populism but Australia's LNG industry is a classic example of globalisation rewarding the multinationals rather than the country that owns and produces the resource.

At a time when Australia is crying out for a secure and affordable supply of natural gas to address its energy needs, the gas itself and the profits it generates are heading overseas, benefiting the bottom line of the multinationals instead of the locals.

Yes, some compensation and return for the investment made is reasonable but, as with so many other examples of remuneration, there seems to be a stark imbalance between the big end of town and ordinary Australians.

Philip Cooney Wentworth Falls

Turnbull disconnect?

Unbelievable. Peter Hartcher gives great credit to our Malcolm for the apparent about-face by President Trump on China and military bases in Japan ("How Malcolm Turnbull played a part in the rise of Donald Trump 2.0", February 14). Surely China and Japan played their part in these changes. I don't think Turnbull had much to do with it. Perhaps, as he suggests sotto voce, American officials are resuming their roles as keepers of the asylum.

Colin Kilduff West Ryde

So Malcolm Turnbull's "action" in having Donald Trump hang up the phone on him caused an improvement in US Asia/Pacific policy? Perhaps if Australian voters all hang up on Malcolm Turnbull this will create a similar positive change in the dire state of Australian political affairs.

Marshall Smither Manly

It's time to wean ourselves off this finite resource

I am a lifetime Liberal voter. I vote Liberal because I believe the party is the better economic manager. I do not argue on climate change because I do not have any scientific training. I do, however, believe the vast majority of scientists who say global warming is happening and is a problem.

I believe we must stop using coal for the following reasons. It is finite and – although it may be a long time into the future – it will one day cease to be available. The extraction of coal ruins thousands of hectares of good food-producing land. It also has a devastating effect on our above-ground and subterranean waterways. In the majority of Australia water is the most precious commodity we have and it should be protected at all costs.

The elimination of coal is a long-term project and requires the co-operation of both sides of government. A plan could be devised that would see the elimination of coal in the not too distant future.

For those who argue about the loss of jobs, one only has to look back on history to see that this argument has been forthcoming in every change that has occurred. Without exception the opposite has been the case, for example, the industrial revolution, the introduction of cars etc. In every case many more jobs have been created than eliminated.

So come on Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten, get together and show us you have the interests of Australia at heart and not your political careers.

Edgar Bowden Forresters Beach

Forgotten fact in SA's power blackout

It is unfair to accuse the federal government of lying over South Australia's blackout of September 28 (Letters, February 14). While the public service advice concurs with the Australian Energy Market Operator reports that the blackout was due to the pylons blowing over during the storm, it omits a key fact.

The updated AEMO report of October 19 makes it clear that all the synchronous thermal power stations connected at the time rode through the event of the collapsing transmission lines, whereas most of the wind farms disconnected.

It is also clear from the preliminary AEMO report of October 5 that the transmission lines that blew down only cover a small region of the state. Hence, it is not unreasonable to conclude that if all the state's power had been generated by synchronous thermal power stations a total blackout of the state would not have occurred.

None of this is a case against wind-generated electricity but it is possible there is a problem with its implementation in South Australia.

Ian Davis Bella Vista

Give teachers the best

As a teacher and principal of schools in NSW for more than 50 years, I have seen the lot ("Crackdown on families trying to game schools", February 14). I have taught in small one-teacher schools and was principal of a secondary school. I have witnessed teachers so gifted that watching them at work could give you goosebumps. I have taught in brand new schools and schools that had no running water. But every school I have been fortunate to be associated with, and there are more than 20, was intent on giving every student the absolute best opportunity to realise their full potential.

In my career, the most brilliant students I have had the pleasure to teach came from schools in some of the poorest socio-economic areas of the state. The location of the school is irrelevant, what matters is the determination of the student, the support of the parents and caregivers and a principal who is capable of creating the optimum conditions for our amazing teachers to get on with the job of teaching.

Brian McKeown Long Jetty

Muslims defy terrorists

I hope this is a sign the lunatics are losing ("Islamic State targets Australian clerics", February 14). And a reality hit for those Pauline Hanson supporters and Reclaim Australia Nationalists who constantly say Muslims don't stand up to the terrorists. Not only do they stand up, they put their lives at risk while doing it. Respect.

Phil Bradshaw Naremburn

Hear alternative views

It's good of Joel Meares to express some understanding of where his American Christian relatives "are coming from" in their tilt to the Trump-led right ("The best reaction to bigotry and hatred isn't anger or outrage – it's laughter", February 14).

But the dispossessed "deplorables" that he needs to empathise with are quite a bit closer to home and they're some of the readers of the Herald. Traditional views on marriage don't get a fair hearing in these stately newspaper columns.

Is it any wonder that those with alternative opinions get just a little frustrated that their voice is entirely marginalised?

Alan Wakeley Dural

I appreciate Joel Meares' stance of laughter in the face of evil. However, I think Jesus would rather die than have such hatefulness associated with Christian values. If nothing else, Jesus is a standout historical figure of love and inclusiveness.

Lindsay Smith Glenwood

Lambie is ill-informed

Jacqui Lambie's rhetoric over the threat to Australia from Sharia law is baseless and misleading ("Jacqui Lambie gives two bob watches a bad name", February 14). The Koran clearly instructs Muslims to "obey those who are in authority among you". Lambie is ill-informed and is using Islam as a scapegoat to further her own political agenda.

Khizar Rana Walkerville

On Q&A; on Monday night I'm almost certain I saw mutton dressed up as lambie.

Kent Mayo Uralla

Too tough on the young

Merona Martin (Letters, February 14) suggests young people "work hard and save money" like their parents did. I'm quite certain our youth would love to do just that. Instead they face high unemployment, exploitation as unpaid "interns" (slaves) and casuals, enormous university debts and ludicrous house prices. Even graduates are struggling to obtain employment.

Only kids with wealthy parents can "live off their parents"; in the real world they turn 18, or even 16, and are on their own because their parents are struggling too. Visit any country town on a weekday. And now penalty rates are under attack. Would the writer like to be young now? I wouldn't.

Eva Elbourne Normanhurst

Fair go for pharmacists

Despite recommendations to seek assistance from a GP, counsellor or friend to address the cause of stress, the suspected "shadow shopper" from Choice who visited our country town pharmacy was only interested in purchasing a product to "cure the symptoms" ("Worry over stress advice given out by pharmacists", February 14). It is no wonder that pharmacists resort to recommending alternative medicines in such circumstances. Reports such as this demean and demoralise dedicated pharmacists who are on the frontline of community health care.

Amanda Berry Scone

Amalgamation decision a taste of what's to come

By enforcing council amalgamations in the city but not in the bush Premier Gladys Berejiklian has shown us what we can look forward for the rest of her term ("Berejiklian government stays course on Sydney council mergers but relents on regions",, February 14). Namely decisions based on politics to save her job rather than decisions based on reasoned policy that will best serve the community.

Graham Russell Clovelly

I see the NSW government is proceeding with amalgamations in Sydney but not in regional areas. What is the term for a half backflip?

Patrick Hennessy North Narrabeen

Why do country folk always get a veto on matters of public policy while city people don't?

Clive Kessler Randwick

Hot fashion trend

Oh Con Vaitsas (Letters, February 14), what a splendid solution to our increasingly record heatwave conditions - men out of three-piece suits and ties and into comfy cool dresses. Can't wait to see Cory Bernardi in a mini.Coral Button North Epping

Liberal leanings

On the Liberal Party supporting preference swapping with hard-right populist parties (Letters, February 14), perhaps it is that the Liberals are not as sophisticated as they were once.

Joy Goodsell Sutherland

Presidential heads up

Donald Trump, Kim Jong-un – can nothing be done about their hair?

Jim Mackenzie Lane Cove