
CFMEU fined for illegal blockade at $1.6b Port of Melbourne project

Australia's largest construction union has been ordered to pay almost $100,000 for blockading a major Port of Melbourne expansion project, and threatening to bring "20,000 workers" to join the fight.

The powerful Victorian branch of the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union was hit with the heavy penalties on Wednesday in the Federal Court, where a judge blasted the union's leadership for "doing nothing" to ensure its staff complied with the law.

"Indeed, the inference that the CFMEU will always prefer its own interests ... to compliance with the law is a compelling one," Justice Christopher Jessup said.

The union and two officials, Joe Myles and Adam Hall, were found to have illegally coerced construction companies McConnell Dowell and Coastal Steel Fixing in an attempt to force them to cede to union demands.

The CFMEU claimed the employers had been undercutting workers' wages and conditions and denying them breaks, overtime rates and rostered days off

The court heard that up to 50 unionists, from before dawn, blocked the entrances to Webb Dock in March 2015, and Mr Myles had urged workers to down tools on the project.


"Don't be frightened to go home," he allegedly said, "because if McConnell Dowell and Coastal want to fight, I can have 20,000 workers here tomorrow at the drop of a hat to support you."

Justice Jessup said the CFMEU's record of lawlessness was "extensive".

"This case presented yet another instance of that pattern of behaviour," he said.

Australian Building and Construction Commissioner Nigel Hadgkiss said the $1.6 billion Port of Melbourne expansion was an important infrastructure project for the Victorian economy.

​"To threaten to bring in 20,000 outside workers to the site to try and force a decision to go your way is just not acceptable behaviour," Mr Hadgkiss said. 

"Encouraging workers to take unlawful industrial action cannot be condoned and the ABCC will pursue such behaviour on our building and construction sites."

The Federal Court imposed an $84,000 penalty against the CFMEU, while organisers Mr Myles and Mr Hall were given penalties of $7500 and $4500 respectively.

Mr Hadgkiss said Mr Myles had been penalised for breaching workplace laws in five recent cases, four of which involved coercion.