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State of Washington Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council

The State of Washington Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council (EFSEC or Council) provides a "one-stop" siting process for major energy facilities in the State of Washington. EFSEC coordinates all evaluation and licensing steps for siting certain energy facilities in Washington. EFSEC specifies the conditions of construction and operation. If approved, a Site Certification Agreement is issued in lieu of any other individual state or local agency permits. EFSEC also manages an environmental and safety oversight program of facility and site operations.


1300 S. Evergreen Park Dr. S.W.
PO Box 43172
Olympia, WA 98504-3172

Phone: 360-664-1345


Business Hours: 8:00AM to 5:00PM

Map and Directions

Staff Contact Information

Department of Defense

Local governments to report energy facility applications to Department of Defense

Bonneville Power Administration

EFSEC is cooperating with BPA on federal siting of three Transmission Line Projects in Washington

Third Party Carbon Dioxide Mitigation

Independent Qualified Organization List

State Implementation Plan:

Notice of Proposed Action to Submit State Implementation Plan and Notice of Opportunity for public comment and to Request a Hearing

Under Review:

Tesoro/Savage Vancouver Energy Crude-by-Rail Project


Chehalis Generation Facility Natural Gas

Columbia Generating Station Nuclear

Desert Claim Wind

Grays Harbor Energy Center Natural Gas

Kittitas Valley Wind

Whistling Ridge Wind

Wild Horse Wind

WNP-1 /4 Nuclear

Declaratory Order:

Northwest Innovation Works, Kalama, Methanol Facility
Public Notice
Public Notice
Order dismissing petition for declaratory order


Small Modular Reactors (SMRs)

**Project updates can be found by clicking on the link provided for each project above**


A listing of important dates - EFSEC meetings, public comment submittal due dates, filing dates for project adjudicative proceedings, or other dates of significance.

Administrative Orders & Resolutions


Expired, Terminated, or Canceled Energy Projects

Other Projects


Review of Pipeline Utility Corridor Capacity and Distribution for Petroleum Fuels, Natural Gas and Biofuels in Southwest Washington - November 2007 Older studies

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