
$265m boost to corrective services creates 320 jobs

The government has committed $265 million over six years and an extra 329 full-time staff to Queensland Corrective Services and another 18 staff for Queensland Health for rehabilitation, drug, alcohol and mental health services.

The announcement comes as part of sweeping changes to parole to be implemented following a review of the system conducted by Walter Sofronoff QC. 

The government commissioned the review following the death of 81-year-old Elizabeth Kippin in Townsville in July 2016. 

A man on parole was charged with her murder. 

Out of the 329 new full time QCS staff, up to 243 will be probation and parole officers.

GPS tracking devices will be used to track up to 500 parolees, with more devices to be purchased in the coming months. 


Corrective Services Minister Mark Ryan said it would be determined which prisoners would receive the GPS trackers. 

As of January 31, there were already 99 high-risk sexual offenders with offender monitoring requirements across the state. 

Mr Sofronoff said the GPS trackers were useful as few people had landlines anymore and it was no longer useful to call offenders to check they were complying with their parole restrictions. 

The GPS tracking will be rolled out at high-risk locations, including Townsville and the Gold Coast. 

The Palaszczuk government will also introduce "no body, no parole" legislation to provide an incentive for offenders to cooperate with authorities. 

The laws would apply to offenders convicted of murder or manslaughter. 

The LNP announced its own no body, no parole policy in November 2016. 

Rehabilitation services for prisoners will also be expanded to address the causes of crime, such as drug addiction and mental health issues. 

A specialist drug court will also be reinstated - an election commitment from the government. 

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said people were getting lost in the system. 

"They're not getting the drug treatment they need, they're not getting the mental health treatment they need," she said. 

Ms Palaszczuk said the system had not been looked at in depth since 1937 and described the changes as the most sweeping reforms to the parole system that Queensland had ever seen.

"The recommendations aim to break the cycle of crime," she said.

"These reforms are about making Queensland a safe place."

Ms Palaszczuk said she could not guarantee Queenslanders would be safe because of the changes.

"There can be no guarantees but what this is, is a funding package aimed at making the community safer," she said.

However, the government did not support a recommendation to give sentencing judges the discretion to depart from mandatory non-parole periods. 

In Queensland, mandatory non-parole periods only apply to offences such as murder and unlawful striking causing death. 

The other recommendation not supported was a review of the policy restricting placement of sexual offenders and prisoners convicted of murder or serious violent offences with a view to reintroducing appropriate candidates to low security facilities. 

Michael Byrne QC will be appointed as president-designate of a new parole board.

The state's boards will be reduced from three – covering southern, central and nothern areas – to one.

Ms Sofronoff said parole was not about rewarding prisoners but to modify the behaviour of people convicted of crime to reduce the chance they will reoffend.

"Nobody has been prepared to look at the parole system created in 1937 to compare it to the work that's been done by scholars and practitioners in the field of criminology and crime prevention and re-examine whether the system can be improved," Mr Sofronoff said.