
Overland 194 is ready

overland-is-readyoverland-is-readyOverland 194 goes to the printer today. The back cover blurb reads:

Are we to imagine we can sustain forever an economy based on serving each other in ethnic restaurants and taking Japanese tourists on harbour cruises past the Opera House and robbing high-rollers blind in gambling casinos in an era when nobody much will be able to travel any more, and spare cash will be scarce? Do we let the brute greed of our corporate classes guide what we do as a nation, or is there a better way?

Bob Ellis explains what the ‘muscular timidity’ of Kevin Rudd means for the future.

Plus Raewyn Connell on the financial meltdown and the Left, Carmen Lawrence and Mungo MacCallum on Gough Whitlam, Mark Furlong on the collapse of the neoliberal self, Tom O’Lincoln on myths and reality in the Pacific War, Louise Swinn on the year ahead in Australian publishing, Dave Hoskin on the perpetual crises of local film and Ouyang Yu on Chinese poetry below the waist.

New fiction from Cate Kennedy, Jennifer Mills and David Wolstencroft, plus poetry, reviews and more.

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Overland is a not-for-profit magazine with a proud history of supporting writers, and publishing ideas and voices often excluded from other places.

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Jeff Sparrow is a Walkley Award-winning writer, broadcaster and former editor of Overland.

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  1. It’s actually kinda interesting: it posits that the market shapes a particular kind of personality and the epidemic of depression and other mental illnesses is symptomatic of that personality undergoing a spectacular collapse

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