
Newstead Short Story Tattoo


People might be interested in this event, for which Overland is one of the sponsors:

For those who came in late, The Newstead Short Story Tattoo is a celebration of the short story form being the only short story festival in Australia. Australian writing has a great tradition of short story writers. Writers from near and far will be converging on Newstead on May 15/16/17 to read and tell their stories.
Events contained in the program are: Sleazy Stories (with live Burlesque performance) starring Josie Rowe, Sean M Whelan, Paul Mitchell and others, Crimes and Crucifixions, starring Lucy Sussex, Eric Dando, Annie Gleeson, George Ghio and more, The Fictitious Woman, starring the magnificent Carmel Bird, Cate Kennedy, Janet Barker and many more, Local legends will feature locals from here and there, Fire Stories (stories the old fashioned was around the bon fire at the Race Course with surround sound), The Hard Ball starring Paul Daffey from The Footy Almanac, Martin Flanaghan (to be confirmed), and many others. There will also be an accompanying exhibition of illustrations that have supported stories throughout a range of publications including the great Torpedo series of anthologies. It is hoped this will include artists from Marvel comics − comics of course being a legitimate short story form.
There will also be a market on the Sunday encouraging all Newsteadians to dust off old books and wares and sell them alongside farmers and others who wish to sell their goods. Primary schools in the Mt Alexander shire will also be invited to encourage students to submit stories to competitions (50 word, 100 word and 200 word story categories). Many community groups such as the Historical society, the recreation reserve, Pocket Gallery, footy club, The Echo, RTC as well as other groups and businesses within our community will have the opportunity to benefit financially from the visitors to own town and district. The official program will be finalized in the next fortnight and will be available soon after that. The festival will be encouraging visitors to stay a while, and take in what Newstead has to offer in terms of facilities, wineries, cafes, pubs, accommodation and the like. The Newstead Short Story Tattoo website will be operational by mid march and interested punters are encouraged to explore this world for further update and details. Any further sponsorship enquiries should be directed to Neil Boyack 0437074326.

Note: It is too late to submit stories to this event − the dye is cast

Overland is a not-for-profit magazine with a proud history of supporting writers, and publishing ideas and voices often excluded from other places.

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Jeff Sparrow is a Walkley Award-winning writer, broadcaster and former editor of Overland.

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