
Helen Anne Bell Poetry Bequest Award 2017

14 November 2016

The biennial award offers a cash prize of $5000
The biennial award offers a cash prize of $5000

The Department of English at the University of Sydney is pleased to announce that the second biennial award under the Helen Anne Bell Poetry Bequest will be made in 2017. The bequest offers a cash prize of $5,000 for the winning collection of 50-70 pages by a female poet over the age of 18. Applicants must be Australian, and the poems submitted must be "about Australian culture," broadly defined.

The submitted poems should not previously have been published in collected book form, whether in print or on the virtual domain. The successful applicant must agree to give a public reading of their work at the University of Sydney, and the Bell bequest will also pay for the publication and launch of the book of poetry by the winning poet.

The closing date for entries is 28 February 2017. Full manuscripts (50-70 pages) are to be submitted online using Submittable at the following link:

Only electronic submissions will be accepted. Poets who have previously been awarded the Helen Anne Bell Poetry Bequest are not eligible to apply.

The award will be judged by Kate Lilley, Pam Brown and Gig Ryan.

Enquiries to: