
Story Wine Prize

Currently closed.

This competition aims to discover the finest in original short fiction up to 800 words in length.

In 2016, the winning story will receive a $4000 first prize and will be published on the label of a Story Wines vintage, as well as in Overland’s last print issue of 2016. Two runners-up will each receive $500 and be published at Overland online to coincide with the release of the print magazine, and on the labels of different Story Wines vintages.

You may also be interested to read the previous winners: ‘Woodsmoke’ (Melissa Manning, 2015) and ‘That inward eye’ (Leah Swann, 2015), as well as the runners-up: ‘First fish’ (Zoe Meager, 2015), ‘Salt skin’ (Melanie Pryor, 2015), 6 pm Saturday night (Sally Breen, 2014) and ‘I thought maybe I could be a lounge singer’ (Lauren Aimee Curtis, 2014).