Hardly a day goes by without the media headlining some conspiracy theory about how Russia is manipulating our politics. Or Russia is about to march on Paris. Or Russia is infiltrating our electrical grid – an actual "news" story the Washington Post had to retract.

And American "liberals" are the loudest Russophobes in the pack. They're on a witch-hunt tying their political enemies to the Kremlin – and demanding that we restart the cold war.

The War Party has found a new enemy. Yesterday it was Saddam Hussein: today it's Vladimir Putin. It's the same old story: we've seen all this before. But it's more dangerous, this time around. A new cold war with Russia could end in a hot war that would destroy all life on earth.

The danger is real, and growing. That's why your support for Antiwar.com is more necessary than ever. Stand with us against World War III.

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Updated February 16, 2017 - 9:54 AM EST
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