Assisted access

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The National Gallery of Australia provides a range of services, facilities and programs to enable visitors with special needs to access the national collection.

Contact via email
or phone +61 2 6240 6522

If assistance is required during a visit, please ask the nearest security officer or information officer.

Assisted access events

These regular events provide an opportunity for people with disabilities, their families and carers, to view major exhibitions without competing with crowds or high level noise.

Contact via email
or phone +61 2 6240 6522

Art and Dementia

The Art and Dementia program provides people living with dementia with an opportunity to connect with the world in enriching and life-enhancing ways. A discussion-based tour of works of art provides intellectual stimulation and social inclusion. 

Contact via email
or phone +61 2 6240 6632


Undercover car park

Entrance is via Parkes Place off King Edward Terrace.

  • Designated spaces exist at either ends of the car park closest to the car park entrance/exits.
  • There is lift access to main entrance from underground carpark.
Above ground car park
  • Entrance via Bowen Drive.



Wheelchairs and strollers are available from the cloakroom.

Access to the main entrance is at street level. People using wheelchairs can navigate the Gallery via lifts and ramps. Disabled parking is available.

Carers room + toilets

The Gallery provides two carers rooms with:

  • baby changing table and nappy disposal
  • privacy screen for breastfeeding
  • comfortable chairs
  • kitchenette with a microwave.

They are located on:

  • Level G - near cloakroom at the entrance
  • Level 1 - near James O Fairfax Theatre.

There are two disabled toilets:

  • Level G - main entrance near the cloakroom
  • Level 1 - near the fashion and jewellery displays.

Download Gallery map (129 KB pdf)

Hearing impaired visitors

Audio loop

There are Audio Induction Loop Systems installed at the main entry, Gandel Hall, in the James O Fairfax Theatre (rows 1–5) and in the Small Theatre.

terpreted lectures

Sign-interpreted lectures are a regular feature of each major exhibition. Please contact the Gallery for information about upcoming lectures.

Contact via email
or phone +61 2 6240 6519

Vision impaired visitors

Braille Sculpture Garden brochure

The braille Sculpture Garden brochure includes an introduction and map of the garden plus descriptive text about the sculptures. Braille brochures are available at the information desk.

Braille guide to the Gallery

The braille guide includes an introduction to the Gallery and its collections, plus descriptive text and braille images of six key works in the collection. Braille guides are available at the information desk.

Tours for people with vision impairment

Education staff and voluntary guides are available to take people with vision impairment on tours of the Gallery's collection. The tour is hands-on where possible. Bookings are essential for this service.

Contact via email
or phone +61 2 6240 6504

Special needs visitors

Programs for students with special needs can be developed in consultation with Gallery Education staff. Sessions are built around workshop activities in the Gallery spaces.

Contact via email
or phone +61 2 6240 6519