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JK Rowling's hilarious Valentine's Day Piers Morgan takedown

JK Rowling has proved it's possible to slay your enemies without ever having to wave a wand and utter the words avada kedavra.

On Tuesday, the author sent out what appeared to be an innocent Valentine's Day message.

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JK Rowling's Twitter battle with Piers Morgan

In an escalating string of insults, Harry Potter author JK Rowling takes on ultra-conservative TV host Piers Morgan.

Her tweet contained a screenshot of an article listing her many achievements, including the personal wealth she's accumulated over the years thanks to the hugely successful Harry Potter book series and film adaptations. 

"Ms Rowling definitely matters," the article purrs. "By encouraging children to read, feel inspired and be creative, she has had a greater impact on the world than most of the other names [on this list of influential celebrities]."

Rowling claimed she's just been sent the article, and wanted to get in touch with the author to thank them personally for Valentine's Day.

"Could the writer let me know who he is?" she asked. "I'd like to thank him."


Anyone who knows even a smidgen about Rowling would be aware she avoids the limelight like a rogue boggart.

But that didn't stop pro-Trump commentator and JK Rowling hater-in-chief Piers Morgan from taking the bait. 

"Priceless #humblebrag BS [bullshit]," Morgan replied. "Nobody plays the celebrity game more abusively or ruthlessly than you, Ms 'Intensely Private Billionaire.'"

And that's when Potter fans broke down into howls of laughter, because the screenshot Rowling tweeted out to the world was written by - yep, you guessed it - Morgan himself several years ago. 

Morgan has, naturally, claimed he knew all along it was his article. "Just surprised I put her as high as 97th," he later tweeted. 

The pair have been trading barbs on Twitter for roughly the same length of time as the Wizarding War, but Rowling can definitely chalk the latest exchange as a win in the ongoing battle.