Federal Politics


Shocking Close the Gap report shows need for new relationship between black and white Australians

The big question went unasked and unanswered when Malcolm Turnbull presented the ninth – and perhaps the most disappointing – annual Closing the Gap report on endemic and profound Indigenous disadvantage.

Why, half a century after Australians overwhelmingly decided the Commonwealth had a duty to make laws to benefit the First Australians, is the gap still so wide?

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Closing the gap: pragmatism and symbolism

Practical measures and rhetorical flourishes are both on display as Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten address the annual 'Closing the Gap' report into indigenous disadvantage.

Why, nine years after all tiers of government agreed on a comprehensive strategy to close it, is just one of seven targets – and arguably the softest one – on track to be met?

Why, 20 years after the landmark report on the forced removal of Aboriginal children from their families, are Indigenous children nearly 10 times more likely to be removed by child protection authorities than non-Indigenous children?

Why, after all of the revelations of institutionalised cruelty in the Northern Territory's juvenile justice system, was a 12-year-old boy tasered as he attempted to run from police last week?

And why, after all the inquiries and all the dollars spent, is the gap actually widening in some critical target areas, like deaths caused by cancer and infant mortality?


The Prime Minister is a glass-half-full politician and he chose to focus on the positives when he presented the report to Parliament on Tuesday, like the fact that there is no employment gap for those with a university degree.

So did the report, which began with the words: "This ninth Closing the Gap report showcases real successes being achieved at a local level across the country – by individuals, communities, organisations and governments."

This reflects the idea that you make progress by celebrating success, but the self-congratulatory tone was out of order and it won't work if the deeper question of the relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians is not addressed.

Turnbull also referred to three positive developments of his own making: the recasting of his Indigenous advisory council; the secondment of one of the country's foremost experts on Indigenous health, Ian Anderson, to his department; and the appointment of an Indigenous member of the Productivity Commission to evaluate programs with a budget to do the work.

Each is important, but these are incremental steps when a paradigm shift is required. For all the talk about doing things with Aboriginal people, not to them, the bottom line is that far too many Aboriginal people feel excluded, disrespected, disempowered and discriminated against - every day of their lives.

Bill Shorten acknowledged as much when he called for a new approach, based on listening to those on the other side of the gap. "We must forget the insulting fiction that the First Australians are a problem to be solved," was how he put it.

What is needed is a new relationship, and the best path toward one is being charted by Indigenous Australians in a series of dialogues on what constitutional recognition should look like and mean.

Momentum is building toward having an Indigenous body recognised in the Constitution to give Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people a voice in the Parliament and a say in decisions that affect them and their rights.

If such a proposal is endorsed at an Indigenous constitutional convention at Uluru in May, it might just represent the best chance for a fresh start. The question then is whether the politicians will grasp it?