Federal Politics

Be like Trump and lower company tax, says RBA Governor

Every Monday to Friday I'll be delivering a personally-curated newsletter. Call it the double espresso of news – the morning news kickstart for busy people who want to know what they need to know before they get going.

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1. Copy Trump

When I asked one of my right-wing friends over the summer why they support Trump given the President's temperament, bullying and authoritarian nature has sharply divided conservatives around the world, this friend pointed to Trump's his economic policies as practically the sole reason.

Despite being a protectionist populist on trade, Trump's other economic policies are right in line with what an economic rationalist would want.

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RBA governor backs company tax cuts

Reserve Bank of Australia governor Philip Lowe says Australia needs to make sure its tax system is "internationally competitive". Vision courtesy ABC News 24.

Slashing regulation and cutting corporate tax, as well as funding new infrastructure, are the lesser talked about elements of Trump's pitch to "Make America Again."

And Australia's Reserve Bank Governor Philip Lowe has endorsed those policies saying they are good for global growth and by default Australia, and urged Australia to adopt them. [Jacob Greber/Financial Review

Shadow Treasurer Chris Bowen is digging in over the Coalition's corporate tax plan.

Shadow Treasurer Chris Bowen is digging in over the Coalition's corporate tax plan. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

This is pertinent because Labor is opposing Treasurer Scott Morrison's bid to lower the company tax rate. [Adam Creighton/The Australian]


But Lowe warns the new administration is very difficult to predict and that the world is in '"wait and see mode." With Trump, who knows where this goes and how it ends. [Peter Martin, Eryk Bagshaw/Fairfax]

Paul Krugman has focussed on this issue warning the Trump administration has no significant construction plan for the mooted infrastructure and if it does, it's well hidden.

"I'm starting to wonder whether there will be any real movement on economic policy, as opposed to random insults aimed at allies," Krugman says. [The New York Times]

2. Trump

Julie Bishop and Chinese minister of foreign affairs Wang Yi.

Julie Bishop and Chinese minister of foreign affairs Wang Yi. Photo: Sanghee Liu

Australia's Foreign Minister Julie Bishop doesn't believe Donald Trump will tear up our free trade agreement. And China says Australia doesn't have to choose between it and the US. [Peter Hartcher/The Sydney Morning Herald]

Trump has written instead of phoning China's Premier Xi Jinping and says he is looking forward to a "constructive relationship that benefits both the United States and China." [Ting Shi/Bloomberg]

China appreciates the letter and says "cooperation is the only right choice for China and the United States. [Xinhua]

A nice feature here by James Bennett on whether the Indian Ocean could become the next South China sea. [ABC]

And do cameras lie after all?

A terrific scoop by Jim Pickard in the FT

Three days before the inauguration, Michael Gove, the former British secretary and one-time leadership contender published a behind the scenes piece about his exclusive interview with The Donald in Trump Tower, in Rupert Murdoch's influential British broadsheet The Times of London. [The Times]

But what this picture doesn't show is another person in the room. Guess who? Rupe himself, according to the FT report. [Jim Pickard, Matthew Garrahan/Financial Times]

When I covered Rupert Murdoch's wedding to Jerry Hall in Fleet Street last year, guess who was one of the guests? Mr Gove.

In other Trump related news: Kellyanne Conway may have broken key ethics rules by touting Ivanka Trump's fashion line. [The Washington Post]

"Go buy Ivanka's stuff," Conway told Fox News in an interview from the White House on Thursday morning. [Reuters]

3. Aus politics

Treasurer Scott Morrison is axing Kevin Rudd's $9 billion housing affordability scheme claiming it was a dud. [Simon Benson/The Australian]

Liberal Party campaign director Tony Nutt addresses the National Press Club of Australia in Canberra on Thursday 22 September 2016. fedpol Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Liberal Party campaign director Tony Nutt. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Malcolm Turnbull wants to replace his chief of staff and the federal director of the Liberal Party Tony Nutt, who along with pollster Mark Textor, are being blamed (some might say hung out to dry) for the Coalition's one-seat win at the last election. [The Daily Telegraph]

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during question time.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during question time. Photo: Andrew Meares

Now to what some in the media are calling Malcolm's "misogyny speech."

David Crowe believes the "social-climbing" attack was a reference to Bill Shorten's two marriages - marrying up - and was unwise coming from a wealthy Eastern Suburbs dweller. [The Australian]

But former Labor powerbroker Graham Richardson says Turnbull's attack was devastating and "Bill Shorten was flayed with a bull whip" as the PM dealt with every one of his weaknesses. [The Australian]

Shorten knows many of his Labor colleagues were silently nodding along with Turnbull's attacks, says Michelle Grattan. [The Conversation]

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten, pictured in question time on Wednesday, says Mr Turnbull has seriously out of touch policies.

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Uh-oh. Labor is taking comfort from the hostile reaction on social media to Turnbull's speech, reports Laura Tingle. [Financial Review
The last prime minister to rely on the Twitter feedback loop was Julia Gillard. It was a very fast road to no-where. The Coalition should be relieved if Labor has not learned the lesson of that particular folly. 

Treasurer Scott Morrison with a lump of coal during question time at Parliament House in Canberra on Thursday 9 February 2017. Photo: Andrew Meares

Treasurer Scott Morrison with a lump of coal during question time. Photo: Andrew Meares

Don't miss this wonderful sketch from James Jeffrey on yesterday's Question Time when Scott Morrison turned up with a lump of coal, for this particular line "[Barnaby] Joyce was unable to resist its siren call and quickly had it back in his hands, turning it over and over, staring into its darkness like the apes gathered around the alien monolith in 2001: A Space Odyssey." [The Australian]

An interesting story from Rosie Lewis who has talked to top Liberal donors who have no plans to put their money where defector Cory Bernardi's mouth is. [The Australian]

George Christensen, fond of making threats, is threatening to defect to One Nation if he doesn't get his way on a sugar dispute. [Renee Viellaris/ Courier Mail]

And One Nation's Pauline Hanson is continuing the populist right's bizarre defence of Vladimir Putin, saying over MH17, "everyone has done something." [Amy Remenkis/Fairfax]

Can someone explain why the Communications Minister Mitch Fifield is willing to join the latest Sam Dastyari/Pauline Hanson stunt?

And the fringe party the Liberals once set out to destroy is now set to preference them second in Western Australia. [Rob Harris/Herald Sun]

4. Russia accidentally kills Turkish soldiers

Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Russian President Vladimir Putin. Photo: AP

Three Turkish soldiers were killed by a Russian airstrike in northern Syria. [BBC]

While Russian President Vladmir Putin sent his condolences, note he blamed the accident on "incoordination" for the deaths. [Russia Today]

Turkish-Russian relations had only just begun to warm after Turkey downed a Russian jet near the Syrian border two years ago.

5.  France nuclear reactor shut down

An image from November 2016 of the plant, operated by Electricite de France SA (EDF), on the English Channel shoreline in Flamanville, France.

Photo: Marlene Awaad/Bloomberg

A nuclear reactor in France has been shut down after a fire and an explosion but authorities insist there is no threat to the public. [Reuters]

6. Eiffel Tower

A French soldier stands guard at Eiffel Tower in Paris. 10 terrorist attacks had been prevented this year in France, according to Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve.

A French soldier stands guard at Eiffel Tower in Paris.  Photo: Getty Images

A sign of the dangerous times. 

French authorities will build a giant bulletproof glass wall around the base of the Eiffel Tower, in light of the string of terrorist attacks which have hit the country. [France 24]

And that's it from me today, you can follow me on Facebook for more. Have a great weekend.

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