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Remember Fiona Scott? Dubbed as having "sex appeal" by Tony Abbott, she has called on her former boss to quit Parliament.

To be honest, I'm not entirely sure why there's a horse in this photo.

Dumped Lindsey MP Fiona Scott has called on Tony Abbott to quit politics, saying he is undermining his own legacy and damaging the Coalition.|By Tom McIlroy

The ABC wants Pauline Hanson to explain why their journalists were shut out of an election night party in Perth on the weekend.

Is it ever a good sign when politicians blame the media?

The ABC has demanded an explanation from Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party after its reporters were blocked from attending election night celebrations on Saturday, describing the move as an attack on independent media.|By Tom McIlroy

How much news and entertainment do you consumer from the ABC, and do you want to see changes under new boss Michelle Guthrie?

I listen to a lot of ABC radio and read their online coverage and watch a bit of their TV. I'm in favour of smarter approaches to adapt to how listeners and viewers consume ABC products, but 200 job losses is very sad.

What changes would you like to see from our ABC?

ABC managing director Michelle Guthrie has suggested Catalyst – the controversially revamped science program – could inspire changes to key news and current affairs shows.|By Tom McIlroy

I think this is a great idea: a small levy for advertisers selling junk food and unhealthy products, used to pay for community campaigns on nutritional food options and healthy living.

The plan is the brainchild of Manly Sea Eagles co-owner and former Weight Watchers executive Scott Penn.|By Tom McIlroy

What do you think about plans to create a department for homeland security functions in Canberra? Do we need to bring together law enforcement, immigration and intelligence?

This plan has been considered since John Howard was PM and never acted on. Peter Hartcher also confirms Malcolm Turnbull is preparing to sack George Brandis at Attorney-General.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is considering a proposal for a major restructuring of the federal government that would create a US-style Department of Homeland Security.

Here's why Australians are paying too much for common prescription drugs.

A new report says high drug prices paid by Australians could be lowered through changes to government policy, after $1.2 billion in potential savings to the health budget were lost in just the past four years.|By Tom McIlroy

Some serious fake news from Pauline Hanson

Muslims want to impose Sharia law because they "hate Western society", Australia needs a "strong" leader like Vladimir Putin and the government must stop "blackmailing" parents into vaccinating their children.|By Adam Gartrell

Federal government set to move on housing affordability in the May budget, Scott Morrison confirms

Treasurer Scott Morrison says the government is developing a package of reforms to address housing affordability.|By Tom McIlroy

Yesterday it was welfare recipients. Now it's veterans. The Government wants new legal powers to release personal information.

The Federal Government is pushing for new powers that would allow it to release a veteran's personal information should it wish to correct public statements.

For the past 25 years, he has had what he calls "a front-row seat" to the nation's political history

"Doing a job like this, you're in the inner-circle where it's like a different world altogether."|By Tom McIlroy

Here's a story for everyone who lost power during the late-summer heat waves around Australia last month.

The Turnbull government says the nation's cyber security was put in jeopardy when the Department of Defence - which houses the shadowy Australian Signals Directorate - was asked to help with load shedding during soaring temperatures on February 10.

Australia's electronic spy agency was forced to rely on diesel backup generators.|By Adam Gartrell

The worst government advertising campaign ever?

Gold from my colleague Michael Koziol.

The awkwardly-scripted and woodenly-acted ad has been slammed as cringeworthy, atrocious and 'truly terrible'.

One of the weirder concerns from Liberal senator Eric Abetz.

For some it's the symbol of gay and lesbian progress and the fight for equality, but for Liberal culture warrior Eric Abetz it's the flag of a hostile nation which has declared war on Australia.|By Tom McIlroy

The government is working hard to keep plans to build a new 2.6m fence across the front lawns of Parliament House as secret as possible.

The federal government won't reveal the cost of a controversial security fence being installed outside Canberra's Parliament House because the price tag could aide a terrorist attack.|By Tom McIlroy

After a month in office, Donald Trump's approval rating is 44 per cent - making him the only president in the modern era to begin his first term with a net negative approval rating.

His net approval rating of minus 4 compares with Barack Obama's net positive 34 percent and 45 for George W. Bush.

President Donald Trump's job approval rating stands at just 44 percent, a record low for a newly inaugurated commander-in-chief, according to a new poll from NBC News and the Wall Street Journal. Asked about early challenges in the first month of Trump's presidency, 52 percent called the issues 'rea...|By NBC News

My colleague Laura Tingle has come off the long run.

Politics is full of catastrophic debacles and tragedies that nonetheless finish up in weed-covered, neglected dead ends.|By Laura Tingle

Last weekend I told some friends they had to listen to the latest episode of On The Media. I highly recommend their discussion about the so-called deep state and the ethics of various parts of the US government leaking against Donald Trump.

Tell me your thoughts.

The Flynn affair, the invisible power of the so-called "deep state," and the perils of comparing Trump to real-world strongmen.
Political reporter for Fairfax Media, including The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age and The Canberra Times. Email me at
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