The Mulrunji Affair: secrecy and suppression

Updated March 09, 2010 11:40:00

Some have called it the "Mulrunji Affair". It's been an irritant for the Queensland Police and that state's government since 2004, and it's not going away.

The inquest into the death in custody on Palm Island has resumed this week. The court has been ordered to finally resolve the mysterious cause of death of the young and drunken man known as Mulrunji, almost six years down the track. He died in a cell of massive internal injuries less than an hour after being arrested on an alleged language offence. But the inquest will also be discussing - in secret - a large amount of explosive evidence which Queensland's legal and political establishment is keeping hidden from the public. I've seen it, but it is illegal for me to tell you what it contains. Other correspondents claim they've revealed the details of this evidence, but I can assure you they have not. It has never been fully aired. In this article, I'll do my best to show you what I can.

The secret evidence actually pre-dates the death itself, which took place on a steamy morning in November 2004. The arresting officer, Senior Sergeant Chris Hurley, maintains Mulrunji Doomadgee swore at him as the sergeant arrested another man. Other witnesses say he was singing the reggae song "Who let the Dogs Out." Sergeant Hurley says he accidentally fell on top of Mulrunji as he escorted him into the police station. A witness said he saw the giant policeman repeatedly punch Mulrunji as he lay on the floor. Whatever the truth, Mulrunji was found dead in his cell soon after. He had multiple face and internal injuries including broken ribs. His liver had been, literally, split in two.

An inquest, presided over by the Deputy State Coroner, Christine Clements, subsequently found Sergeant Hurley to have been responsible for the death. You can download her damning findings. But the Clements hearings, which were originally set down for about a week, stretched for more than a year, thanks to legal battles over the secret evidence. The Queensland Police Commissioner was determined to stop the court from even considering this body of material, so appealed to the state's Supreme Court. The case was lost, and the coroner did include it in her considerations, but she imposed an extraordinarily strict non-publication order which prevented public scrutiny of the material, which could be perceived as highly critical of certain people in authority.

This first non-publication order is so wide, and so all embracing, that it will stand, until successfully challenged in court, until the end of time. Nevertheless, the suppressed evidence was discussed in open court on August 19, 2005. I can't find any transcript on the web, but readers may apply for a written version of it through the court. The case number is BRIS-COR-00002857 of 2004. The Clements non-publication order also prevents anyone broadcasting or publishing details of the video recorded at the Palm Island watch house on the day of the death.

There were two Queensland Supreme Court appeals on the Mulrunji matter which the ABC lawyers tell me are illegal to write about, and which were responsible for the long delays in the Clements inquest. Strangely however, there are links to two of these judgements available on the court's own website, on the judicial decisions page. The first judgement (which is actually the second listed on this page), Commissioner of Police v Clements & Ors [2005], contains passages which are highly critical of the police service and Queensland government, but, strangely, the download on the court website doesn't work. Instead, the link directs you to a case from the NSW Court of Appeal. Conspiracy theorists may draw their own conclusions. The second judgement, Doomadgee & Anor v Clements & Ors [2005], isn't as critical of authorities, but the link works. This judgement only reveals a tiny fraction of the secret. The full details aren't published anywhere on the web. They are firmly locked away.

After a great deal of controversy, Senior Sergeant Hurley became the first Australian police officer to be charged over a black death in custody. He faced a court on manslaughter charges and was acquitted in June 2007 by an all-white jury drawn from the population of Townsville. But he, and the police service, didn't want to stop there. The Clements Inquest findings still hung over them. So, last year, they went back to court in an attempt to have them overturned. Perhaps unexpectedly, even for them, the court ruled that a full inquest needed to be re-opened.

This week's inquest (which some are calling a second inquest, but which is really a continuation of the first as evidence from the Clements hearings is being considered) is being presided over by Deputy Chief Magistrate Brian Hine. His pre-inquest hearings opened last year with the news that he'd rejected a submission by the state's Attorney General that accidental death should be ruled out. But there have also been pre-trial hearings for the Hine Inquest over the last couple of weeks.

Once again, the secret evidence was at the centre of debate and, once again, it is illegal for me to write about what transpired. Mr Hine has imposed his own, new and apparently unusual, non-publication order, which the court tells me I'm not even allowed to quote to you. Once again, full and fair discussion of all the details of this case is being suppressed; full disclosure, disallowed.

Under both the Clements and the Hine non-publication orders, it is legal to discuss a number of previous complaints against the conduct of Senior Sergeant Chris Hurley. They were covered during the Clements inquest and two of them are outlined at length in the findings. They include the allegation that Mr Hurley kneed an Indigenous man in the stomach, then squeezed him by the throat until the man wet himself. There is no indication in the inquest findings if any investigation into these claims took place. There's the allegation that Mr Hurley drove over an Indigenous woman's foot, causing a fracture in which the bone protruded. Mr Hurley is alleged to have told her to get up and go home.

In this case, Christine Clements found that: "A cursory and completely unsatisfactory investigation was belatedly undertaken by Detective Robinson, who dismissed the complaint as fictitious." Finally, there's an allegation that Mr Hurley punched another Indigenous man five times in the upper body, and hurled abuse at the man as he was dragged to a cell. This is included in the judgement from the second police Supreme Court challenge but, again, there is no indication if an investigation into the incident took place, or if any action was taken against the officer.

Meanwhile, the Queensland Crime and Misconduct Commission is still to release details of its probe into the dodgy police investigation into the death. The lengths police apparently went to to control their own investigation into the cause of death are astounding. CMC spokeswoman says the Hines Inquest won't affect the timing of the release of this investigation, but she can't say when that release will take place, in spite of the fact the death happened nearly six years ago.

Whatever the CMC finds, however, it may have little effect on the police service or the state government. That's because it has few powers. Its negative findings against police have been ignored before. Indeed, when a CMC report slammed the police for their conduct in the aftermath of a riot on the island, the Police Commissioner called a press conference to announce he "disagreed with the CMC's advice." That was it. The report would be ignored. The state police minister remained uncritical during an interview I conducted for Queensland Stateline in August 2005.

It seems Mulrunji's family and the wider Indigenous community will be waiting for a very long time before anyone is held to account for anything to do with this very strange death. And it seems unlikely the public will ever be able to discuss the full story.

Jeff Waters is Senior Correspondent for the ABC's Australia Network television news service.

First posted March 09, 2010 10:46:00