Net filters a 'modest measure': Conroy

This was published 10 years ago

Net filters a 'modest measure': Conroy

The federal government's plan to bring in a mandatory internet filter is a modest regulatory measure that will combat illegal activity, Communications Minister Stephen Conroy says.

In a speech to The Sydney Institute yesterday, Senator Conroy again defended the plan against opponents who believe it is akin to censorship.

"The internet is an incredible piece of technology and, in our lifetime, it's unlikely we'll see anything like it again," he said.

"But for all its technical brilliance, the internet is a distribution and communications platform.

"Having no regulation to combat illegal activity actually weakens all that is good about the internet."


The federal government's $128.8 million Cyber Safety policy includes legislation to block access to certain websites and blacklist offensive material.

The policy has been widely criticised by internet and software companies and free speech supporters.

But Senator Conroy said it could not remain largely unregulated.

"With great opportunity comes even greater responsibility and having sensible, appropriate protections in place is also the role of government," he said.

"There are some who want to argue that, on the internet, people should be able to publish anything they like - regardless of whether it contravenes laws in the off-line world."

Senator Conroy said ISP level filtering alone was not enough to help fight child pornography or keep children safe online, which was why the government supported the block of content such as child sexual abuse imagery and material advocating terrorism.

"This is a modest measure, which reflects long-held community standards about the type of content that is unacceptable in a civilised society," he said.


"Those who claim the government's approach is akin to the sort of political censorship practised by authoritarian regimes are simply misleading the Australian public."


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