TAM! Australia 2010

TAM! Australia 2010 will be held at the Sydney Masonic Centre on 26-28 November 2010.

We announced the event last year and we are sure it will live up to the high expectations everyone has.

The information on this page is correct at the time of publication. Go to www.tamaustralia.org for up-to-date information.


So far we have the following confirmed speakers:

  • James Randi
  • D.J. Grothe
  • The Skeptics Guide to the Universe team – Dr Steven Novella, Bob Novella, Rebecca Watson, Evan Bernstein and Jay Novella
  • Brian Dunning
  • George Hrab
  • Dr Eugenie C. Scott
  • Dr Karl Kruszelnicki
  • Dr Simon Singh
  • Dr Rachael Dunlop
  • Dr Krissy Wilson
  • Loretta Marron

The MC will be Dr Paul Willis.

We are in negotiation with other fun and interesting guests, so the list is by no means complete.

Ticket Sales

Tickets will go on sale around June 2010. There will be ample notice once the dates are set. In particular, we expect to have pricing information well in advance of the ticket sales, so that people can do their budgets. We can confirm that ticket prices will be on par with other TAMs.