• vaccination

    Curzon Cinema Soho Hosting Fraudulent Doctor and dishonest VAXXED film.

    Curzon Cinema in Soho appears to screening a secret showing of controversial quack film VAXXED and holding a Q and A afterwards with the film’s director – struck-off and discredited doctor Andrew Wakefield. A ticket website is selling tickets for a screening on Valentine’s Day and looks to be close to selling out. The cinema website itself does not appear to list the screening. In addition to the ‘premier’ screening, a Q&A session will be held afterwards with Andrew Wakefield who was found to have acted fraudulently in his research over whether MMR was dangerous. Also at the screening will [read more...]

Is Chiropractic X-raying Illegal?

by Andy Lewis in chiropractic 21

Chiropractors have achieved a status amongst practitioners of alternative medicine that is almost unrivalled. In the UK, they have achieved a level of mainstream acceptance, regulation and recognition that must be the envy of homeopaths and herbalists. Such is their standing that I suspect that many people would not even [read more...]

The Vets Who Make People Feel Better

by Andy Lewis in featured 36

Some years ago, a well meaning but utterly deluded friend gave me a book entitled Natural Remedies For Your Cat by Christopher Day. It is a slightly disturbing tome that appears to recommend homeopathic remedies for pretty much everything – from fleas to gunshot wounds. Rational cat lovers might find [read more...]