Small Business

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Software solutions for small business

Q: My husband and I own a very small specialist business and have run it successfully for more than 15 years. Besides ourselves, we employ one other part-time staff member and, occasionally, casual staff. Next year we are planning to relocate most of the businessto a regional city in Victoria.

This office will operate five days per week while our Sydney office/warehouse will open three days per week, being staffed by two people who will handle our warehousing and some sales/accounts. We currently use MYOB for our accounting and we have a 'system' of sorts to manage our orders. We use Outlook for quoting and communication with clients. We need IT and telecoms solutions that allow: 1. ability to transfer calls from one office to another 2. Access to our accounts for all staff 3. A CRM solution that allows us to manage sales/quotes. Can you suggest some solutions we should investigate? 

A: Sharing information across a business is vital, but even more so when you have multiple locations. Tools and technologies available to small business have evolved substantially over the past few years, and now would seem to be the ideal time for you to take advantage of these.

Both you and your husband, along with key team need to be able to access information from a single source regardless of your location. The advent of cloud based accounting provides great opportunity to build a suite of tools suitable for your business. MYOB, Xero and Intuit are good examples of the accounting tools available, and they have developed to include most aspects of managing the business.

A good cloud based accounting ledger will be developed with an open architecture – that is, it will allow other specialist tools to be linked to it to allow data exchange and eliminate multiple data entry. Add-ons to your ledger might include a CRM, a specialist inventory management system, or a point of sale system. Quoting can be managed within the ledger or via an add-on depending on your specific needs. As long as your team have web access, they will generally also be able to access these tools across multiple devices.

Your communication tools can also be managed online. Your current e-mail and diary system may be transitioned onto a web based version, and there are options as to a system that will be the best fit for your business.


Additionally, applications such as Skype or Lync enable instant messaging, and online calls and meetings by voice or video and include screen sharing. These can be very cost effective for both internal and external interactions.

In regard to telephony, again there are technologies available that that will enable extensions between your locations and link your offices and warehouses. If you choose to look at an alternative to a traditional setup, VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) is an option that uses a data network for making and receiving calls and converts voice signals to data, sending it via the internet before converting the data back to voice.

The right system can also integrate into a CRM application enabling you to dial direct from your database, supporting efficiencies within the business. Speak to alternative providers in this space and ensure they are across your specific business needs and infrastructure capacities.

The right set up can work to future proof your business. Small business has a great ability to be agile and adapt, and the tools available now allow you to improve process and system to drive efficiency and productivity.

The best set up will provide you with real time business information to better manage and drive your business for greater growth and profitability.

Lisa Stribley is a Deloitte Private Partner