
Sydney Airport in push to ease hourly cap on number of aircraft flights

Sydney Airport is pushing for a relaxation of the cap on the number of planes that can fly in and out of Kingsford Smith, arguing the government-imposed restrictions are two decades old and detrimental to the state's tourism industry.

Australia's largest airport also told investors on Thursday it will be a "deeply uneconomic investment decision" for it to build a new airport at Badgerys Creek in western Sydney without the federal government stumping up money for its construction.

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Badgerys Creek residents split on future

A new airport is set to radically reshape Badgerys Creek in Sydney's west - for good or bad.

In a call that puts it on a collision course with residents under flight paths in inner Sydney, the airport's chief executive, Kerrie Mather, said it was time for a "broad-based discussion" about easing restrictions in an era of quieter passenger aircraft.

"We think it is important to have a discussion about how we can modernise these 20-year-old [restrictions]," she said, highlighting that Kingsford Smith had more constraints than any other airport in Australia.

"This is about ensuring that the economic growth of Sydney and NSW is not artificially constrained."

Apart from an overnight curfew, the airport is restricted to 80 aircraft movements per hour and 20 every 15 minutes.


The Tourism and Transport Forum, of which the airport is a member, has also entered the fray by describing the cap on aircraft movements as "sabotaging decades of global campaigns to attract tourists".

The lobby group's chief executive, Margy Osmond, conceded that the overnight curfew on aircraft would not change but she said reviewing the slot and movement caps was a "common sense reform we must address".

"Without immediate action, we will squander the tourism gains we have worked so hard to achieve," she said.

NSW Transport Minister Andrew Constance has urged the federal government to consider easing restrictions on regional aircraft.

However, financial analysts say making an exception for regional planes would be costly to Sydney Airport because large international and domestic passenger jets offer greater revenue opportunities.

Sydney Airport again voiced concerns that the government had given it only until May 8 to decide whether to take up its rights to build the new Western Sydney Airport, which is due to open in late 2026.

The airport had wanted nine months to respond to the "notice of intention", which the government delivered to it in December.

Ms Mather said the new airport would be a "deeply uneconomic investment decision" without the government contributing to the cost of its construction, and that it would be decades before it delivered a reasonable return.

"Perhaps it might make sense for the government to play a role," she said when asked what was likely to occur if Sydney Airport turned its chance to build and operate Western Sydney Airport.

"Given the significant changes in the notice of intention, we believe that we are entitled to a nine-month [period]. [But] we are working hard to try to meet their timetable."

The airport is sounding out the market to gain some certainty about the cost of building Western Sydney Airport.

It has also considered a range of options such as constructing the airport as part of a consortium.

"Our position at this stage is to get a handle on project costs," Ms Mather said.

The company has spent $21 million in the last year on work associated with the new airport.

The federal government has not offered any extra taxpayer funds on top of the billions it is spending on roads around the airport at Badgerys Creek, and its current funding for planning and regulatory approvals.

Global ratings agency Standard & Poor's said last month that it believed Sydney Airport was unlikely to participate in the construction of the new airport, which is about 50 kilometres from the city's central business district.

Sydney Airport recorded a near 6 per cent rise in passengers to almost 42 million in the year to December, its strongest growth in six years. International passengers surged by 9 per cent.

The significant increase in passengers helped the airport boost annual net profit by 13 per cent to $321 million.