This Guide Will Help You Haggle Like A Boss On Your Next Holiday

Morning price, every damn day.

15/02/2017 11:50 AM AEDT | Updated 15/02/2017 7:33 PM AEDT

In life, there are two types of people: hagglers and non-hagglers.

Though often, it's not until you're overseas, or in a whitegoods store that you learn your true calling. You either cringe at the very sound of it or revel in the pure excitement like a kid on Christmas.

Seasoned barterers would know you can save between 20 and 50 percent on the original price which means once you've had a taste, you're probably going to be a haggler for life.

That's not to say everybody has the skill and finesse of a true haggler, though. Such mastery takes time, practice and most definitely a few awkward blunders.

To break it down, and help you bag a bargain on your next trip, travel insurance company TINZ have created the below infographic covering everything from the best time to shop to when it's time to walk away.

Happy haggling!



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