
Sydney Festival review: Institute has brilliant movers providing laughs and gasps


Seymour Centre, January 25

Until January 28

5 stars

Reviewed by Jill Sykes

Imagine the worst – and it may well be happening to one of the performers in this show. It's a nightmare. Scary, because it seems so plausible. 


And yet, time and again, someone steps in and disaster is averted. For the moment at least. UK physical theatre group Gecko's artistic director Amit Lahav​ describes Institute as "a world where everyone relies on someone to catch them".

For the audience, it is a twin thrill of allowing a twisting, turning theme to seep into your mind and senses – and to observe a quartet of brilliant movers use their bodies to tell tales that produce laughs as well as gasps.

Chris Evans, Ryen Perkins-Gangnes, Francois Testory and Lahav have devised and perform the athletic, acrobatic and at one point almost lyrical action.  

That alone would be riveting to watch, with its constantly changing moods and directions. The skill of the performers, in business suits with bare feet, is dazzling.

But it is also rich in meaning, exploring the horrors of physical and psychological manipulation in a Kafkaesque microcosm bound by suffocating walls of old-fashioned filing cabinets that open to provide miniature sets as well as holding secrets we never discover.

With drifts of words in languages we may not follow – which doesn't matter since they only serve to add intensity – we observe surreal episodes of romance, comradeship, illness, daily work practices, bullying bosses, death, bizarre dreamlike episodes, all at great speed with abrupt and unexpected twists.

Physical theatre comes and goes as an art form. It is many years since I have seen anything like this quality of movement, imagination and theatricality. Catch it if you can.