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Traffic Booster

increase traffic to your website
google logo
bing logo
yahoo logo
Be found in Google, Yahoo and Bing

Boost your ranking with the best search engine optimisation policies

All for less than a lunch: only $5.92/mo

to Google,
Yahoo & Bing


to 80+ Online


your search
engine ranking


search engine

Fool Proof

made simple for

Improve your website ranking

Our all-in-one SEO wizard fully optimises and improves your website for the best results

SEO Scan

Traffic Booster's comprehensive scan checks your website for many SEO factors and policies that affect your website ranking, including keywords, broken links, page tiles and more.

SEO Scan

Detailed reports show you how your website ranks, top referring keywords, link building profile report, and indexed page information – then shows you where improvements can be made for the best optimisation and results.


Our SEO tools uses the latest optimisation benchmarks, suggests the right keywords targeted to your market, shows any page errors with recommended fixes, and most importantly builds Meta tags to help improve your ranking.


When you're ready to go just click ‘Submit’ to automatically submit your website to Google, Yahoo, Bing and the most popular online directories. Traffic Booster’s live updates will apply new tools, search listings and directories as they are available to your account – ensuring you’re always one step ahead.

Simple SEO management tools
Search Engine Submit
Traffic Booster will help you maximise your site's exposure and submit your site to the world leading search engines Google, Bing and Yahoo, and over 80 online directories, giving you the potential to reach over 85% of Internet users worldwide.
SEO Wizard
Traffic Booster will scan your website for all search engine optimise factors and then provide you with step-by-step wizard and suggestions to maximise for best results.
Meta Tag Generator
Meta tags are an essential part of the code behind your site - they make your site visible to most search engines. The meta tag generator will suggest the best suited meta tags for your business.
Keyword Generator
Choosing the right keywords for your business is an essential part to your online marketing, our keyword generator tool helps suggests relevant keywords to boost your rankings saving you time.
Site Positioning
Traffic Booster site positioning tool finds and reports your site's position amongst search engine results and also your competitors' sites so you can boost your performance and stay one step ahead.
In-depth Site Scans
Scan your website using the comprehensive scanner analysing every aspect of your site, including suggested changes you should make based on SEO polices and factors that will affect your ranking and results.
SEO Control Panel
Traffic Booster simple control panel will allow you to manage all aspects of your search engine optimisation and submission with helpful tips, wizard and suggestions.
Automatic Updates
Our system continuously checks rankings and search engine policies to ensure you site is always updated with the latest SEO trends and requirements.