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Business Directory

Reach local customers
Get found where your customers search

Your business, listed where your customers are looking!

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Example Listing
Reach new customers, Increase your Sales

According to a Google study, 80% of consumers regularly query search engines for local business information, with half of them visiting a local business within a day of the search.

Our exclusive Business Directory service can now have your business listed and updated live through our network partners.

Get found in these local directories

Business Directory covers major local and global directories giving you great online presence

Google Maps
Where to?
Packaged for small business
Get found in the most popular directories, from any device.
Up to 22 Online DirectoriesView All
Local + Global
Get local Australian coverage and all global directories.
Up to 28 Online DirectoriesView All
Add your website, with one click!
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  • Easy and Simple

    Enter your business information and your listing will be distributed to all selected online directories with a return confirmation.

  • Guaranteed Listings

    Our automatic data checks will check if all directories entries are valid and updated, ensuring you a guaranteed listing.

  • Always Expanding

    We are always adding additional updates, directories, and specialised industry sites. As we expand so will you, we never stop growing.

Advantages of Business Directory

Grow your business, and go where your customers are

Get found online quickly and easily

Customers are using PCs, laptops and mobile devices anywhere, any time, and every day. Make sure they can find you and get the information they need immediately: our local Business Directory lists your business on over 22 platforms.

Your information updated everywhere

Many platforms use different data sources. However, these can be incorrect, incomplete, or your company is missing. Our directory service has direct access to more than 22 platforms, and will ensure all information is correct.

Improve your Google search listing

The number of business entries you have online has a huge impact on the ranking of your company in search engines. It is a sign of the credibility of the company, ranking you above lower quaility competitors.

Customer Feedback Monitoring
feedback monitoring
Improve your reputation and read what your customers are saying.

Whether you like it or not, your customers are talking about your brand. About good experiences and bad. Their experiences will be shared publicly on the web - as comments, reviews, ratings, likes, check-ins and photos.

The only problem is: how do you monitor and make sense of all the social content out there?

Our Business Directory reputation hub is the solution, it monitors all the content users create about your business on Facebook, Google, Foursquare and other websites and gives you first-hand what your customers think and say about your brand - and allows you to take part in that conversation.

This is an insanely valuable asset to any business planning and now can be purchased additionally with any Business Directory plan.