
Ed Sheeran reveals why he's such a prolific songwriter

Ed Sheeran has revealed how he manages to be so prolific in the songwriting department.

And no, its not by downing four cups of coffee a day or pushing his social life to one side - it's because he doesn't have a cell phone.

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Speaking on The Ellen DeGeneres Show fresh from a short stint in Iceland after performing at the 59th Grammys, Sheeran said he loves nothing more than going off the grid. Well, almost. 

"I still don't have a phone," Sheeran admitted. 

"I got rid of my phone as my [2016] New Year's resolution." 

That means Sheeran hasn't had a phone buzzing in his pocket or bedside table for about a year. 


But before you start worrying how the award-winning artist stays in touch with his mum or keeps track of which country he's jetting off to next, you should know the man who brought us emotional ballads like Photograph has it covered: thanks to his iPad. 

"I just work off email," Sheeran told the shocked audience. "It's so much less stress. I don't wake up in the morning and have to answer 50 messages of people asking for stuff, it's just I wake up and have a cup of tea." 

Sheeran recently toured Australia to promote his upcoming album Divide. He is is the US on a promotional tour that included a jaw-dropping Grammys performance of his hit single Shape of You

During the show, Sheeran recorded his own backup vocals live on stage before playing them on loop. 

Divide will be released in March 3.