
Donald Trump's wall has reached Tropfest ... and won an early prize

Even before Tropfest on Saturday night, a pointed animated film about a huge wall blocking refugees has won a prize.

Australian journalist Nick Baker, who worked on Barack Obama's 2012 election campaign, has written and co-directed The Wall. Narrated by David Wenham and the film won best visual effects at the Tropfest craft awards on Thursday night.

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An animated short film depicting refugees being blocked by a giant wall.

Baker, who co-directed the short film with animator Tristan Klein, says it was sparked by Donald Trump's plan to build a wall on the Mexican border. 

"We'd been throwing around this idea of doing an animated short inspired by a refugee journey," he says. "At the start of last year, it just felt like a really relevant time to put pen to paper and make a film about this theme."

The initial inspiration was the Syrian refugee crisis then "the pretty outrageous comments which are now the policies of Donald Trump."

The film centres on a refugee woman and her grandson who arrive at an endless wall they need to pass. 


"Timing wise, it's crazy," Baker says. "Our film isn't hyper political. It's quite an abstract animation about these people who arrive at a giant wall but the political point is there."

The pair, friends since they were in primary school together in Engadine in southern Sydney, are working on a script to turn the short into a feature film. 

Having worked in the communications team for Obama's re-election campaign in Colorado, Baker has a thoughtful attitude to the new US president's plan for a wall to keep our Mexican immigrants. 

"My grandparents were immigrants," he says. "We're a nation of immigrants. So something as big and simple as a giant wall is more I guess culture wars than coherent policy. It's more like divisive politics than a policy that will bring about tangible immigration results."

The Wall is one of 16 shorts that will screen at the 25th Tropfest in Parramatta Park. 

It continues a record of success for Baker and Klein that includes third place at Tropfest in  2013, winning  Tropfest  New  York  the same year and runner-up with Postcards to Ulay at Tropfest last year. 

The craft awards, a new development as part of five days of events at the revived festival, had industry guilds judging the finalists' films.

Best screenplay went to actor-director Matt Day's The Mother Situation, a comedy about three adult siblings assisting their terminally ill mother to commit suicide.