

Cory Bernardi's defection would change nothing and everything for Malcolm Turnbull

Some men just want to watch the world burn (while also angrily denying that humans are changing the climate in any way).

Cory Bernardi is, as many many many many many many many many people have predicted (ahem, cough), reportedly about to leave the Liberal Party. They must be heartbroken at the news!

However, it shows the fundamental problem facing conservative parties in Australia right now.

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Split in the Liberal Party

There's speculation outspoken conservative Senator Cory Bernardi will form his own political party.

First up, it's important to realise that Bernardi leaving the Liberals effectively changes nothing. He's in the upper house and while this increases the size of the senate crossbench the government know they'll be able to rely on his votes as they did with the now-dismissed Family First senator Bob Day. Cory might want to make a point to his former party, but he's not hardly likely to vote with Labor and the Greens in order to do so.

Still, the Liberals must be seething. After all, they handed him a six-year term as senator for South Australia in last year's election, putting him at No.2 on the state ballot. As a former state Liberals president with a solid local power base he'd have been in his typical spot at number one were it not for Education Minister Simon Birmingham requiring the spot. 

Given that there's going to be a ballot recount in SA to determine who will take Day's now vacated spot, it's going to add insult to already-existing insult to watch Liberal votes confirm Bernardi's position as an independent. 

And it's not as though he was well loved within the party either. One colleague memorably praised him in a 2011 Monthly feature as "deluded… He is one of the least effective or important members of the parliamentary team… He should really never have risen above the position of branch president. His right-wing macho-man act is just his way of looking as though he stands for something."


So they can't have been pleased about the rumours that he's been allegedly taking funding from mining magnate and leading resources-boom poet Gina Rinehart to create a populist Trump-style Australian Tea Party, with himself – appropriately – as the Mad Hatter. 

It seems as though Gina's literary muse has been working through Cory too. He obliquely flagged his intentions in his most recent newsletter, explaining "Unfortunately there are too few in our body politic willing to take the path less travelled – a trustworthy track that has fallen out of use. For the sake of our nation, we must get back on track." With such metaphoric gifts on display, can his own poetry anthology be far behind? 

Then again, there's a genuine and well-founded panic in the right of the Coalition at the moment with regards right-wing populism.

Polling results ahead of the upcoming WA and Queensland state elections suggest that One Nation are cannibalising the Nationals vote (not helped by the WA government's poor polling and Attorney-General George Brandis handily describing the Queensland LNP opposition as "very, very mediocre" into a microphone which was inconveniently turned on).

So on the one hand this would seem to be a hot time for a populist independent to make his play for a Trump-style challenge, right?

Well … nope.

First up, unlike the US or Britain or most of the democratic world, Australia has a voting system that is both compulsory and preferential – meaning that candidates that are furiously loved by a large and vocal minority but hated by everyone else will lose to a candidate that isn't as widely adored but can be tolerated by a larger slab of the electorate. 

For Trump was voted in by 27 per cent of US voters (since 41 per cent didn't vote). In Australia, a primary vote of 27 per cent doesn't make you leader of the country: it probably means you've lost your seat.

And as far as that populist uprising goes, note that 27 per cent is more than three times what One Nation is currently polling (they're on eight per cent, according to the current Newspoll, while the Greens are on ten) . Pauline Hanson's not about to become PM on those numbers.

Secondly, the vote for newly ascendent conservative and populist parties isn't coming from the left side of politics. One Nation's 2016 vote was significantly based upon the votes left by the collapse of Palmer United, while the Nick Xenophon Team's SA vote was mainly Liberal voters sick of being ignored while their state's industry subsidies were removed. These parties are a threat to the Coalition, not to Labor or the Greens. 

If the Coalition move further to the right to appeal to the new breed of angry conservatives, then the large base of small-L liberals at the centre are going to be more inclined to switch to Labor – who might not be quite as economically dry as they'd like, but who are at least not fighting moral crusades against the rights of LGBTIQ Australians for no sane reason.

The real danger of Bernardi's defection is that it might embolden a government MP in the lower house to follow suit – George Christensen, for example, or one of the LNP MPs who only just squeaked over the line last election and can see One Nation nipping at their heels (hitherto anonymous Forde MP Bert van Manen, this could be your moment to shine!).

If Turnbull loses one lower house MP, he loses his majority. If that MP throws in with Bernardi, it guarantees that Cory gets to push his agenda. If they instead went to One Nation, it would basically force Turnbull to negotiate a coalition deal between the Liberals, the Nationals, and a very smug Pauline Hanson. Anyone see that working out to everyone's satisfaction?

If that's not possible… say, does anyone have a copy of The Dismissal floating around? Might be worth a rewatch right about now.