Case Study

Le Republicains Party, France

How the French party used CallHub to scale their campaign and increase the number of calls made tenfold.

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Greens Party, Australia

Adam Taylor talks about how CallHub helped improve volunteer engagement and meet their campaign goals.

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Reach out

SMS Marketing

Reach out to your customers and supports through a text message. Texts messages have a higher impact on campaigns than emails.

Mobilise Support

Phone Banking

Get thousands of volunteers all over the country talk to your supporters using phone banking software. All volunteer accounts are free and you only pay for the calls made.

Reminders To Act

Voice Broadcast

Remind your supporters about election dates, to go out to vote and about your events. Broadcast your message quickly using a voice broadcasting campaign.

Trusted by some of biggest political parties, advocacy groups and businesses

Broadbent Institute
Democrats Abroad
Labour Party
GetUp Action for Australia
Les Republicains party France
Unions WA
Conservatives party client
united voice logo
Edison home and healthcare

What can you do with CallHub

Patch-through Calls
Grassroots AdvocacyDrive real change by reaching out to your supporters, guiding them and connecting them directly to their representatives.
Voter OutreachReach out to voters in key areas and help them get to the voting booth.
Volunteer Recruitment
Issue AdvocacyRecruit more volunteers through our embedded form and activate them at any time.
Donor StewardshipImprove the relationship with your donors and increase the amount of funds raised through calls that are informed and considerate.
Voter ID
Political CampaignsIdentify the issues that matter to your voters and recruit those that show support to your candidate.
Membership Management
CommunitiesKeep in touch with the members of your community and update them on meetings, issues and changes.
Supporter Mobilization
Events and RalliesDrive supporters to events and rallies instantly through text messages. Get RSVPs too.
Smarter Campaigns
Analytics and DashboardRun smarter informed campaigns with data from your CRM and your calling campaigns helping you reach out to the right people at the right time.

App integrations tie it all together.

CallHub integrates seamlessly with some of the biggest CRM's and political and advocacy tools available.


Reports and Analytics

Get detailed reports and analytics for every call and SMS you make. Track and monitor calls made by volunteers.

Tell me moreSign up
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Award winning SaaS company

Clients from across 200+ countries

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