
'Noble' farmer who smuggled migrants into France avoids jail sentence

Paris: A French farmer who smuggled African migrants to safety, defying authorities in an effort that his supporters likened to the Underground Railroad, was given little more than a slap on the wrist by a court Friday.

The farmer, Cedric Herrou, an olive grower, has become something of a hero after he shepherded migrants across the Italian border and into the Roya Valley of southern France, challenging official policy of rounding up migrants and sending them to detention centres or deporting them.

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A court in Nice ordered Mr Herrou on Friday to pay a fine of €3,000 ($4,200). If he stays out of trouble for five years, he will not have to pay anything.

The light sentence was an indication of how politically delicate the case against Mr Herrou had become. He had popular opinion largely on his side – a fact the judges appeared to acknowledge in letting him off so lightly.

At the end of a highly publicised trial last month, the prosecution requested a suspended eight-month prison term.

A 2012 French law allows citizens to help migrants for humanitarian reasons. Before that legislation, such aid could result in a sentence of up to five years and a fine of up to €30,000 ($42,000). The prosecution said Mr Herrou's actions had gone beyond the scope of the law, helping migrants enter the country illegally instead of merely offering them shelter.


Last month, the readers of the the local newspaper Nice-Matin chose Mr Herrou as their 'Person of the Year'.

During his trial, Mr Herrou's actions were described as being "noble."

He was cleared of the more severe charges of having helped illegal migrants stay on French territory and of having illegally hosted over 50 Eritreans in an abandoned holiday resort.

Agence France-Presse reported that Mr Herrou had welcomed the decision in an address to a small crowd of supporters in front of the courthouse.

"We'll carry on, because it's necessary," he told the crowd.

Mr Herrou told Europe 1 radio that he is currently sheltering five migrant minors from Sudan and Eritrea at his home.

"There's a deficiency of the state in France and in Italy, so I take action," he said.

Mr Herrou is not the only person to have appeared in court for illegally assisting migrants. Last month, Pierre-Alain Mannoni, a researcher, was acquitted by the same court in Nice of having offered a ride to migrants.

Briton Rob Lawrie was last year cleared of people-smuggling after he was arrested trying to smuggle a four-year-old girl across the English Channel. He was fined just €1,000 ($1,400) for 'endangering the life of a child'.

Border control has become a defining political issue in France in light of repeated terrorist attacks.

The New York Times, Fairfax Media