

Investor home loans the fly in the ointment for RBA board

Like a rabbit in a spotlight, the Reserve Bank board is all but certain to remain frozen on Tuesday, not knowing which way to jump.

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Lower growth, less revenue

Leading Australian economists are more pessimistic about the Australian economy than the official Treasury position. Peter Martin explains.

The 27 leading economists surveyed for the BusinessDay Scope survey ahead of the first board meeting for the year believe that on one hand it would be well advised to lift its cash rate to kill a resurgence in property prices and real estate investment.

On the other hand it needs to cut the cash rate to deal with ultra-low inflation, set to stay below the bottom of its target band for a record three consecutive years, and economic growth way short of its weakest forecast.

When the board last met on December 6 it had before it a staff forecast of economic growth between 2.5 and 3 per cent for the year to December.

The figure for the year to September, released the next day, was 1.8 per cent. The economy shrank in the September quarter for only the second time since the global financial crisis and by the most since the crisis.


Sending the economy backwards was a further slide in business investment, a fall in government spending and bad weather that disrupted construction. Inflation figures, released on January 25, showed prices grew just 1.5 per cent in the year to December; making 2016 the weakest year in 20 years. The bank had expected something between 1.5 and 2.5 per cent.

In contrast, figures released on February 1 show capital city home prices grew by an extraordinary 10.7 per cent in the year to January, 2.3 of those percentage points since October when the bank noted in its minutes that conditions had "eased relative to a year earlier".

Investor lending, which Treasurer Scott Morrison said in January was "off the boil", has been climbing for 18 months. It now accounts for 49.6 per cent of the money lent to buy homes each month, approaching the 50 per cent reached before the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority prevailed on banks to tighten investor lending standards and knocked it back to 44 per cent.

"The bank doesn't really want to cut interest rates further for fear of stoking the hot housing market and sowing the seeds of a housing/debt/financial crisis," says survey participant Paul Dales of Capital Economics. "But equally, on its current forecasts it is expecting to undershoot the inflation target for three full years."

Dales believes the trade-off will change as the year goes on. Inflation will remain weaker than bank expects and house prices will slow of their own accord. He expects the bank to leave the cash rate untouched at 1.5 per cent until the middle of the year and then to cut it twice in the second half to a new all-time low of just 1 per cent.

The pickup in investor lending after the August cut is unlikely to have gone unnoticed.

RBC Capital Markets head of Australian research Su-Lin Ong

Stephen Anthony, a two-time BusinessDay forecaster of the year who correctly picked last year's slide in the cash rate, also predicts 1 per cent. He expects one cut in the first half of the year and one in the second half as does Riki Polygenis of the National Australia Bank, who says employment isn't growing fast enough to stabilise the unemployment rate, meaning it'll begin to climb in a way that will be "difficult for the Reserve Bank to ignore".

Richard Robinson of BIS Shrapnel, who is forecasting one cut to 1.25 per cent in the second half of the year, suggests a way out: "It would be much less of a headache if the government would undertake some regulatory or tax changes, such as restricting negative gearing or removing the discount on capital gains for residential property," he says.

"Such moves would take considerable heat out of the market, improve affordability for first home buyers and give the Reserve Bank room to move to address wider problems in the economy. The lower dollar that would result from lower rates would be the key to improving non-mining investment."

Treasurer Scott Morrison and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull have dismissed calls for such changes, including those from their own backbench, ironically by pointing to a report from Robinson's firm which they say supports their stance.

RBC Capital Markets head of Australian research Su-Lin Ong expects a cut in the cash rate, but fears the surge in investor loans and home prices could derail it.

"The pickup in investor lending after the August cut is unlikely to have gone unnoticed amid a greater focus on financial stability from the new governor," she says. But she expects somewhat weaker growth in home prices and the increasingly apparent risk of a weak economy to overwhelm the Bank's concerns in the second half of the year.

Overlaying both domestic concerns will be near-complete uncertainty about what the Trump administration will mean for the United States, and by extension for China and the rest of the world.

The 2017 forecasts, published in Saturday's BusinessDay and available online, have economic growth at just 2.4 per cent, inflation at just 1.9 per cent, and wage growth barely higher at 2.1 per cent. Mining investment would fall a further 13.2 per cent and no-mining investment pick up by only 3.5 per cent.

Although the panel's median forecast is for a steady cash rate all year, 12 of the 27 expect a further cut. Only 4 expect an increase. The 12 think that when put to the test the Reserve Bank board will back the economy over stability in house prices.

Peter Martin is economics editor of The Age.

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