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Banned drinkers' register could curb alcohol violence in Broome

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A banned drinkers' register may be on the cards as Kimberley Police struggle with how to tackle alcohol-fuelled violence in the Broome area.

District Superintendent Allan Adams posted an impassioned letter to social media last Friday, calling for stronger alcohol restrictions throughout the region.

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St Vincent's Hospital clinical director Nadine Ezard says alcohol trading restrictions have led to a decline in family violence.

"Unfortunately, the Kimberley District clearly leads the state in the number of assault type offences as a proportion of population," he said,

"We know the influence of alcohol in these situations is real and considerable.Ā Ā This Kimberley situation is very evident in Broome and Derby and as I say, I am committed to reducing this harm in our community.

"In my mind, reducing the availability of alcohol to our most vulnerable is critical. I am keen to canvas very widely how we can achieve this in the most responsible and effective manner."

Mr Adams received a wide variety of perspectives on the post, including those who supported the use of a banned drinker register and cashless welfare cards, to locals who expressed their concerns over how alcohol restrictions would impact Broome's tourism industry.


Former Federal Minister for Indigenous Health Warren Snowdon agreed a banned drinkers' register would help stem alcohol fuelled violence in the popular tourist town.

"I am a very strong supporter of it. [A banned drinkers' register] is a very minor inconvenience to the general citizenship," he said.

The Northern Territory has previously employed a banned drinkers' register as an alcohol control system in the state, and it required all people buying alcohol from takeaway outlets to show a form of identity at the point of sale.

About 260 takeaway liquor outlets were fitted with the ID scanning system devices, but the measure was scrapped when the Country Liberal government was elected in 2013.

Minister Snowdon said the banned drinking register had not been given the time it needed in the NT to prove its effectivenessĀ and he was 'sure' the measure would have a positive impact on the Broome region.

"It appeared to be very successful but the conservative government disbanded it because it was a Labor party initiative," he said.

"From a public health perspective, we need to get a way of people drinking alcohol more responsibility and it should work in conjunction with other measures- like minimum floor price for alcohol and opening less liquor stores.

"We really do need to soften the demand, and a banned drinkers' register would do that."

As for Broome's position as a leading tourism town in the Kimberley, Mr Snowdon believed a banned drinkers' register would have a very minor effect on the Shire's main industry.

"Every tourist should have identification, so what's the problem?"Ā 

A number of Broome liquor retailers have experienced a drop in sales over the last year, but Mr Adams said more discussion was needed around the topic.

"IĀ understand this issue can be emotive as the majority of Kimberley people consume alcohol responsibly," he said.

"However, this is a community issue which can only be addressed through buy in by all. Whilst the problem may largely inflict a particular section of our community we cannot afford for this to be seen as 'their' problem.

"Large scale issues such as this are difficult to resolve if the majority opt out of being involved. The behaviours emanating from excessive alcohol consumption impact on us all, so we all need to be involved."