
Wicked Campers 'put on notice' under new laws

Wicked Campers has been "put on notice" after the Queensland parliament passed laws that punish operators that refuse to remove offensive slogans from vehicles.

Tough new legislation was passed in the parliament on Tuesday night that will mean operators that refuse to remove inappropriate words or pictures within 14 days will have their vehicles deregistered.

Deputy Premier Jackie Trad said the legislation was targeted at van rental company Wicked Campers, whose vehicles often displayed "sexist, demeaning slogans".

"We have essentially put Wicked Campers on notice that they are to remove these offensive slogans and if they don't then their vehicles will be deregistered here in Queensland," she said.

"If companies can't put offensive and demeaning things on billboards because it's not what people expect, then the same should apply to vehicles driving on our roads."

But Ms Trad conceded the legislation extended only to vehicles registered in the Sunshine State.


"Clearly if there are vehicles coming from interstate into Queensland, our reach in terms of a state government is limited in terms of deregistration," she said.

"But we are very, very determined that we make sure that these slogans that demean people, that demean particularly women, that do celebrate a rape culture, are not on our roads."

The Advertising Standards Board will be responsible for determining if a slogan is inappropriate.

Car operators will then be contacted and asked to remove the offensive material within 14 days or be deregistered.

The laws are expected to come into effect by March 31.

Wicked Campers has been contacted for comment.