ACT News

Women in Canberra's jail an 'afterthought': Guilia Jones

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Women in Canberra's jail face overcrowding and fewer opportunities, the ACT opposition says.

ACT corrections minister Shane Rattenbury admitted up to 32 women at a time had been housed in the 29-bed facility in the past year in the Legislative Assembly on Wednesday.

Canberra Liberals' spokeswoman for women Guilia Jones asked why given the rising rate of female incarceration, the women's facilities were not expanded when the men's unit was last year

"It appears these efforts by the government to address increasing prisoner numbers at the AMC have been entirely directed towards men. I have been advised that no additional accommodation was built for women," Ms Jones said.

"The lack of thought or planning around the needs of women in the jail is damning, not just in the lack of work opportunities but with the recent building works that provided additional accommodation facilities for the men but not women."

Ms Jones said she was also confused as to why the new bakery and laundromat program, designed to quell restlessness, aid rehabilitation, and service the fast-growing prisoner population, is only available to men. 


"I'm concerned their needs aren't given equal weight to men even if they are fewer in numbers," Ms Jones said

"Were women even considered in the establishment of the AMC or were women just a necessary small afterthought?"

Mr Rattenbury noted the levels of engagement of women within the AMC's programs were "erratic" given the number of female detainees could be as low as nine.

"It can be very difficult to structure programs around small numbers. Historically there have been a high number of women on remand which means there is difficulty getting people into programs," Mr Rattenbury told the parliament.

Of the 30 women in AMC right now, Mr Rattenbury said 19 were on remand.

"It's one of the challenges in the women's area of AMC," he said. 

In a later statement, Mr Rattenbury said the overflow of female inmates were housed in "safe and appropriate accommodation for female detainees within the Alexander Maconochie Centre, which ensures they are housed separately from male detainees".

Mr Rattenbury agreed to provide an update on the growing female detainee population by the last sitting day of the year in August.