ACT News

The sky didn't fall: same-sex couple celebrate new ACT marriage amendment

The ACT government added an amendment to the local civil union act on Tuesday, automatically recognising same-sex marriage and unions from overseas jurisdictions, like the wedding of Lynne O'Brien and Caroline Walsh.

Ms O'Brien and Ms Walsh celebrated with a glass of champagne, both enjoying being under what they claimed was one of Australia's more progressive governments.

"Good on the ACT government for their proactive approach, they are probably the most inclusive LGBTIQ government in the country," Ms O'Brien said.

"We're going to get our civil union upgraded to a marriage and that marriage will be recognised."

"It represents yet another attempt by the ACT government to forge ahead with a law that is long overdue," Ms Walsh said.

"There is such a large component within the federal government of outright homophobia that it's more than a political football there is a genuine thread of hatred towards our community."


"The sky will not fall because I married the person I loved," Ms O'Brien said.

Ms O'Brien and Ms Walsh were married overseas in the United Kingdom where same-sex marriage is legal in England, Wales and Scotland but not Northern Ireland where the unionist government has vowed to block any attempts to legalise it.

ACT Attorney-General Gordan Ramsay said he was delighted to have introduced the new legislation and looked forward to the day changes were made to the federal marriage act.

"These amendments make it clear that you are welcome here in the ACT and we will do all we can to remove discrimination," Mr Ramsay said.

"The change to the Marriage Act is in the hands of the Australian Parliament, as has been decided by the High Court of Australia. In the meantime, the ACT Government will continue to foster a society that does not discriminate against our LGBTIQ members."

Ms O'Brien said the two were excited at the amendment but the couple called on the federal government to make changes.

"Imagine if you couldn't marry the person you loved, how would you feel," Ms Walsh said.

"We'd love to actually get married."