ACT News


Liberal MLA Jeremy Hanson reveals new look days before his 50th birthday

One wag described it as George Clooney-esque. We're going more for Titanic director James Cameron.

Whatever the case, former ACT Liberal leader Jeremy Hanson emerged from the long summer holidays looking even more distinguished than usual, sporting a close-cropped salt-and-pepper beard.

It follows Chief Minister Andrew Barr, who also started sporting whiskers from late last year, in the lead-up to Christmas.

The still-hirsute Barr in the Assembly this week even accused Hanson of copying him with the beard thing. (Tongue firmly in hairy cheek, though, it has to be said. We hope, anyway.)

Barr referred in the Assembly to Hanson being in "his new bearded, hipster guise".

"The former leader of the opposition is following me again Madam Assistant Speaker," Barr crowed.


Barr followed that up by telling us Hanson was  "definitely NOT a hipster".

"He's more of a 'greybeard'," Barr said.

Hanson could only sigh.

"Despite Andrew believing the world revolves around him my beard was something I grew over the

holidays and kept after [my wife] Fleur thought it suited me," Hanson told us.

"Mostly I've been told it looks ok – even my Mum likes it!"

So, does this have anything to do  with Hanson turning 50 on Saturday?

Maybe a little manscaping for the Member for Murrumbidgee ahead of the big day?

"Nothing to do with turning 50 but the white colour certainly shows my age," Hanson said.

"Not much planned for the big day - just a quiet family dinner."

Happy birthday for Saturday!

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