ACT News

Above and Beyond space exhibition to open at Questacon in March

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Questacon's new exhibition is designed to ignite "the passion for the greatest journey of all: flight to space".

Above and Beyond at the National Science and Technology Centre Questacon will be opening on March 25 for four months, looking at the future of flying and outer space travel.

The show has been designed in collaboration with NASA and the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, and is set to feature interactive exhibits like virtual drone flying and a simulated space elevator.

The centre will be the only museum in Australia showing the exhibition.

Questacon director Professor Graham Durant said the exhibition aimed to get children interested in air and space travel, as well as STEM subjects more generally.

"This show is designed to ignite the passion for the greatest journey of all: flight to space," Mr Durant said.


"Through the use of immersive simulations, augmented reality and a range of interactive design challenges, Above and Beyond is going to excite the next generation of global aviation and aerospace innovators."

Students from Sts Peter and Paul Primary School said they were already excited for the exhibition to open after flying their own balsa wood planes at Thursday's announcement.

Primary school student Holly Webb said she would be coming back to Questacon when the exhibition opened in March.

"I've always been really interested in the stars and their colours ... it all sounds pretty cool," she said.

Fellow student Emma Barry wanted to learn more about space.

"I'd probably like to see what the moon's actually made of, people say it's made out of rocks and stuff but I'd like to see," she said.

Joel Barcham of Questacon's educational performing troupe The Excited Particles said the staff were just as excited as students for the exhibition to arrive.

"It's like working with a bunch of big kids really," Mr Barcham said.

"We always get the first go on everything so we'll all be in there to test it out."

Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science Arthur Sinodinos said the announcement was a "great day for science".

"It's fantastic what Questacon does and this is a great resource," Mr Sinodinos said.

"Science really is the way to set ourselves free."