

Super Netball is go: Collingwood players April Brandley, Caitlyn Thwaites and Kim Ravaillion and the Vixens' Jo Weston ...

The Collingwood way: dream big, achieve anything

Caitlin Thwaites has played netball for the two biggest teams in Australia, the NSW Swifts and Melbourne Vixens, and is now part of the most powerful sporting club in the land. When asked about the difference in "the Collingwood way", Thwaites quoted coach Kristy Keppich-Birrell, whose message to her Diamond-studded line-up is: "You can dream big here".

Enough talk, now for Super Netball's big moment

On the verge of something massive: The team captain at Super Netball's launch.

Optimism, anticipation, bold declarations and Channel Nine celebrities in active wear were all in abundance as Netball Australia's new national league was officially launched to a grand Sydney Harbour backdrop.

Netball legend McMahon joins AFLW MRP

Sharelle McMahon.

Former Australian netball captain Sharelle McMahon has joined the AFL Women's match review panel for its inaugural season, which starts on Friday night.