
Government's $600 million fix to lure commuters back to buses

Decades-old, family-owned bus contracts could be cast aside as the Victorian government tries to turn around the least popular form of public transport.

Twelve of the 13 contracts for Melbourne's bus network will be opened to competition for the first time in generations, in a bid to get more people using the city's lagging bus services.

Bus passenger numbers have been falling since 2014, despite rapid population growth across the city, particularly in the outer suburbs where buses are often the only available public transport.

In an effort to reverse the declining use of buses, which cost taxpayers $600 million a year, the Andrews government is preparing to kill off the old system of exclusive, heavily subsidised contracts that have existed since the mid-1970s.

It hopes overhauling the contracts will usher in a better and more popular bus network, with fewer near-empty buses operating on slow, zig-zagging routes across the suburbs.

The old contracts are due to expire next year and, when they do, the government will break with the convention of rolling the contracts over to the 12 incumbent operators, many of whom have worked Melbourne's streets as family-run businesses for almost a century.


Public Transport Minister Jacinta Allan said the current contracts made it difficult to change bus routes and timetables to better meet the needs of passengers.

"There are some challenges in the current arrangements, particularly around the exclusivity that sits in the contracts that really restricts the ability to plan and deliver new bus services now and into the future," Ms Allan said.

Buses travel is the only mode of public transport in Melbourne that is becoming less popular, she said.

"We have to recognise the current arrangements are clearly not attracting people to use bus services."

Hoddle Street intersections are set for major upgrades.

Bus companies will lose their exclusive contracts with government. Photo: Angela Wylie

But the incumbents, including Ventura, Dysons, CDC and Kastoria, will have time to adapt to the new regime.

The contractual changes will be brought in over the next 10 years, and the 12 affected bus operators will be given a choice of entering into a shorter-term contract that maintains exclusivity for five years, or a 10-year agreement with tougher performance targets.

The bus industry has long opposed any change to the existing arrangement of exclusive contracts.

Chris Lowe, chief executive of industry group the Bus Association, said it accepted buses had to be more responsive to demand in the age of Uber, but did not support putting existing contracts out to competitive tender.

"The industry supports the government's position to negotiate over the renewal of contracts as opposed to putting them out to competitive tender," Mr Lowe said.

Transdev, which operates 30 per cent of Melbourne's bus routes, will not be affected because it already has a franchise agreement with the state that was awarded through a competitive tender in 2013.

Victoria's Auditor-General analysed the state's bus contracts in 2015 and found they offered "minimal incentives for improving services".

"Many of Melbourne's bus routes currently have long wait times, indirect routes, and do not operate on schedules designed to harmonise well with the rail network or other bus routes," the Auditor-General's report found.

"These issues are longstanding and reduce the usefulness of bus services for commuters and impede patronage growth."

The contracts' pending expiry in 2018 was a "critical" opportunity to improve things, it found.