
A costly anachronism: it's time to evict the NSW governor again

If two of the hallmarks of the NSW Coalition government have been cost-cutting and the profitable adaptive reuse of historic Sydney buildings, then one stands as an exception to the rule: NSW Government House.

During his time as finance minister, Dominic Perrottet forged ahead with leasing some of Sydney's historic sandstone buildings for use as commercial hotels.

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Berejiklian sworn in as NSW Premier

Gladys Berejiklian is officially sworn in as the 45th Premier of New South Wales. Vision courtesy ABC News 24.

He oversaw the "recycling" by outright sale or long-term lease of more than $1 billion worth of government property.

Also, long-term residents of heritage-listed housing commission homes in Millers Point are being relocated, as the properties are sold to wealthy private owners and the proceeds used to build new public housing elsewhere.

Yet Government House Sydney, to adopt the government's language, remains untouchable.

This is not to suggest the privatisation of one of our most historic buildings. But is there not a glaring double standard here? While it might be the oldest public office in Australia – dating back to Captain Arthur Philip in 1786 – the NSW governor is in reality a costly anachronism.


As the Berejiklian government continues to cut public servant numbers, NSW Governor David Hurley earns an annual salary of $467,640 – almost $100,000 more than the Premier's $377,780.

Not only that, but the taxpayer continues to provide substantial financial support for the former governor, Dame Marie Bashir, under a specially struck agreement.

Dame Marie left the job in 2014 after 13 years, but the government argues she continues as patron to dozens of community organisations, therefore it is pleased to offer her financial support.

The most recently published full-year figures show she claimed $496,234 last financial year.

This included $120,433 in staff salaries, $133,347 in drivers' salaries and $198,216 in office rent. The figure for 2014-15 was just over $400,000.

Figures published last week show that to December 31, Dame Marie has claimed $278,324 – on track to crack the half-million mark in this financial year.

The Department of Premier and Cabinet says the budget for running Government House for 2016-17 is a hefty $5.7 million.

"This includes all operating costs, such as salaries and related expenses, travel, security and building maintenance," a spokeswoman said.

Former NSW premier Bob Carr had the right idea in 1996 when he controversially announced the governor would no longer reside in Government House, opening up the grounds and building for public use. The move effectively reduced the NSW governor to a part-time position.

Carr was pilloried by constitutional monarchists, who got their way 15 years later when Barry O'Farrell reversed the decision within seven months of becoming premier in 2011.

Ideally, the office of NSW governor should be abolished. Unfortunately, it's not that simple; there are significant constitutional impediments.

So at the very least, in the spirit of the government's enthusiasm for getting the most out of Sydney's historic buildings, Carr's idea for opening up the place to community groups for arts and other programs should be explored.

There is no good reason for the governor to reside in Government House, which remains an impediment to the public's full enjoyment of the place.

On the occasion of a swearing-in of a new cabinet, he could pop down for the ceremony and host the afternoon tea afterwards, as is the current practice.

How likely is it that the newly installed Premier will consider such a move? Not very.

But, encouragingly, there were some stirrings of potential republican insurrection during the swearing-in of the new Berejiklian cabinet. Several ministers, including Ray Williams, Matt Kean and Mark Speakman, swore their allegiance to the people of NSW instead of the Queen.

Asked about this afterwards, Kean explained: "I was proud to pledge my loyalty to the people of NSW. They are the ones that elected me and they are the ones who I am going to fight for every single day."

When O'Farrell brought the governor back to Government House, it was presumably closely tied to his admiration for Dame Marie, who has now left the office.

Surely the time is right to gently evict the governor once again and return Government House to the people.

Sean Nicholls is state political editor