'I want it done,' accused murderer Ron Medich allegedly told Lucky Gattellari

Property developer Ron Medich was allegedly outraged when he heard that the contract price for the murder of his former business associate would cost $300,000 plus expenses.

"F---, that's a lot of money," he apparently complained.

The Crown's star witness, Lucky Gattellari, on Thursday recounted the alleged conversation, telling the NSW Supreme Court he had told his friend: "If you don't want to pay it, let's forget about it."

But Mr Medich brushed aside cost issues. "No, it's all right. I want it done," he is alleged to have said.

Gattellari, a former boxer, said it was late 2008 and early 2009 when Mr Medich was '"distraught and raving" about the problems Mr Medich's former partner Michael McGurk was causing.

The court has heard that the pair was embroiled in a string of legal battles, which was costing Mr Medich a fortune.


Gattellari, 66, told the jury that when Mr Medich, 68, asked him to find someone to kill him, he had replied: "Are you sure you know what you are saying? There is no going back."

He said Mr Medich replied: "I am sure. I want it done."

Gattellari, who has pleaded guilty to his role in the murder, said that he thought the matter would blow over but a few days later Mr Medich asked if he had found anyone yet.

"He's made a fool of me, the laughing stock of the eastern suburbs," Mr Medich is alleged to have said of the Scottish-born wheeler-dealer.

Mr Medich has pleaded not guilty to the murder of McGurk, 45, who was shot in the back of his head outside his Cremorne house on September 3, 2009.

Gattellari received a discount on his sentence for his role in the murder in return for giving evidence against Mr Medich.

The jury heard that Gattellari had previoulsy employed two brothers Bassam and Haissam "Haiss" Safetli to do some debt collecting work for him.

On one occasion Bassam Safetli said, "If you guys want anything heavy done or even a final job done, we'd been more than happy to help you."

With Mr Medich determined to rid himself of McGurk, Gattellari said he organised a meeting with the Safetlis, saying: "That comment you made about going further with a job, is that still on the table?"

He said the brothers looked at each other, went to the corner of the room to talk in private and, when they returned, they said they would take the contract.

But the months dragged on and still the murder, which the conspirators referred to in code as "the tyres", had not occurred.

Mr Medich was continually irritated by the delay. Gattellari had already collected $250,000 in cash from Mr Medich's Point Piper home.

Of that amount, $45,000 was given to the Safetlis as an advance on the murder. Gattellari used the rest for his electrical business.

In July he gave the brothers around $6000 in order to go to the snow to kill McGurk while he was on a skiing holiday. But the Safetlis didn't get organised in time.

Gattellari later suggested that McGurk be killed by a drug overdose as he was "a current user of drugs".

The murder was eventually done by Haiss Safetli, who was accompanied on the night by Christopher Estephan, a 19-year-old friend of his nephew. Both pleaded guilty to their roles in the murder.

The rest of the agreed $300,000 was paid in various amounts after the murder. The last payment was by way of Gattellari signing over to Haiss Safetli his $7000 Honda car.

Gattellari will continue giving evidence.