From the TUC

Budget blogs: The fiscal cost of insecure work

14 Feb 2017, by in Economics

Yesterday’s Budget  blog focused on challenges facing the Chancellor as he prepares for the last Spring Budget. New TUC research  out today shows why tackling the rise of insecure work should be high on the Chancellor’s agenda, revealing the £4bn a year cost of the rise in low-paid self employment and zero hours contracts. The…

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Workers’ rights beyond Brexit

Tim Nichols

13 Feb 2017, by in Labour market

When the government published a white paper on Brexit priorities, we hoped it would give more certainty to working people on what the future holds. But it poses more questions than it answers. And it fails to give the reassurances workers need for their rights at work. During the referendum campaign, the TUC highlighted just…

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Kerslake review of Treasury warns that austerity has failed

Geoff Tily

13 Feb 2017, by in Economics

Today Lord Kerslake (the head of the home civil service, 2012-2014) published his independent review of the Treasury, with launch events in London and Manchester. The report was commissioned by Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell; TUC General Secretary Frances O’Grady was on the panel amongst others (the report is available here). The commentary so far has…

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Budget blogs: Springing into action…

Kate Bell

13 Feb 2017, by in Economics

The new(ish) Chancellor’s first Budget, due on 7th March, would normally be seen as a key political moments in the year. It’s an opportunity for Government to dominate the headlines and give a cash based indication of their priorities. But with Brexit hoovering up political attention, not to mention what’s happening across the Atlantic, there’s…

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Industrial CCS in Teesside: the cinderella project that could set the UK towards its climate and growth goals

Sarah Tennison

09 Feb 2017, by in Environment

The recent TUC report ‘Powering Ahead’ argues that Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is an investment in our industrial and environmental future. It will be important for the economic regeneration of key industries by stimulating future clean growth in the UK. Teesside Collective is working to make CCS a reality. Investment in CCS infrastructure for…

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