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  • joined Nov 04, 2012
  • last login Aug 08, 2016
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Or you could’ve just clicked the link in the first sentence of the article.


Uh, okay. Sold.

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Yeah, I had no idea there was a "goal" anyway. I wonder if it’s really an ending. But it’s cool if there’s some kind of structural substance to the game that you can opt into whenever you feel like it. I kind of liked Skyrim because you could ignore the main plot for dozens of hours and return to it whenever you wanted to.

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Who cares about getting to the center anyway? Is that really the point of the game? Like is everyone hyped about an exploration game just because it has a single, specific goal at the end? No! The hype around this game comes from exploration, not racing toward the ending.

The fact that so many people are freaking out about this seriously boggles my mind. It also seems like people think this means it has no replay value or sandbox capabilities. Use your fucking heads.

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Good thing they’re selling for $6.66 bundled right now.


This is the best kind of fan art.


Yeah, I think people are forgetting that 6.2 feet is basically most people’s arm span plus a couple of inches for wiggle room. Even if you’re sitting in one spot, you’re not going to want walls or objects within that span. This is just common sense and people are being stupid about it.

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True, good point about buying used and reselling used. Why have I never thought of that before? Free games forever.

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This is just a more extreme version of what everyone else does by paying $60 to pay it on launch day, unlike me, who pays like $10 to play it a year or two from now.

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No, it’s literally saying to clear 6.2 feet of space to either side of you… the upper bounds of what you could expect an average person’s arm span to be. If you’re holding things that need to be captured by the camera and you are ~6 feet tall, it’s just common sense that you will need that much space on either side of you cleared.

Were you going to play games with stuff all around you that you could knock over with your arms? Good luck.

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All this is saying is clear stuff out of your armspan so you don’t hit it. Seems pretty common sense.


Nah, everyone has extension cords.


I don’t understand why they’re making a recurring thing out of two Sonics in a game that isn’t even Generations. It doesn’t even make sense anymore. Thanks for the image, though, Captain Obvious?

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Blue team, yellow clothes for me.

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What is the thing with the two Sonics? Just make it Sonic and Tails. A Sonic the Hedgehog 2 remake is what everyone wants.

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Yeah, the cord did look super short in all the photos so far. I’m going to have to buy a super long HDMI cable for this so it can sit on my coffee table, I guess.

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"Spinoff." I wonder if people would get so mad if there were a multiplayer Kirby spinoff about Waddles Dees.