Tom Port thinks a thousand bucks is a bargain to hear a classic rock opus sound better than you’ve ever heard it sound before—stoned or sober.


[via publicradiointernational]:

Andvinyly, a UK-based outfit, has this offer: after you die, you can have some of your cremated ashes pressed into a vinyl record.

You can choose your own music for the record, or none at all.

From the Andvinyly website:

Basic Package - Up to 30 discs
Includes Standard R.I.V. artwork with your name, d.o.b & d.o.d on cover & labels. The audio must be supplied by you. This can be music, a vocal recording or complete silence to let loved ones hear your pops & crackles and should be no more than 4 minutes. (12 minutes on each side with additional charge if you exceed this amount) Price: £3,000.

If you were to go this route, what music or message would you choose?

And in case you were wondering, pets ashes are also accepted. Price: same as humans.

“That beat is HARD.” “No, that’s just rigor mortis.”