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Influence in Transition
New President. New Congress. New Government Affairs.

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(Bloomberg/Ken James)

Another kind of ‘America first’ energy program

There is more than one way to have an “America first” energy policy. Checking in with the group that wants to diversify the U.S. Fuels market. Also, Pruitt’s confirmation on deck and Trump signs his first regulatory repeal.

Photographer: SeongJoon Cho/Bloomberg

U.S. Army to issue RFP on $4.7 billion R&D contract in March

The U.S. Army will issue a final request for proposal on the next version of the Aviation and Missile Research, Development and Engineering Center’s Prototype Integration Facility contract in March.

Expertise, In Action
Duncan Amos, Quantitative Analyst
Expertise, In Action
Duncan Amos, Quantitative Analyst

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