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Coming Up - Monday, 20 February

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Monday, 13 February 2017

Blackouts, Childcare, and Migration

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Monday, 20 February 2017

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"Could the ABC have a channel completely devoted to education? Solely designed for children! Could it be an interatial? What could it teach? Seems there is a gap in the market for such inovation! Could twenty three be tweaked? All ..." 15/02/2017 11:55:44 AM
"Craig Harbutt asked the obvious question why do the pollies go in circles etc. The television programs can't be any worse than what the viewers will watch. The pollies can't be any worse than the people who vote for them. ..." 15/02/2017 11:23:29 AM
"Seeing you are a so called expert in law, what will happen when Ms O'Dwyer takes maternity leave?????? You lose majority? And if Crisstensen crosses the floor? Are you worried that you will lose power if you haven't already, to ..." 15/02/2017 11:16:02 AM
"Why are there never any representatives from such successful social media campaigners as Getup, 350.org, ACF, EDO and all those who are essembling a following that is really putting the fossil fuel industry, banks, etc. on the back foot! There ..." 15/02/2017 11:10:35 AM
"Where is the Petition for those that are equally offended by the Muslim Women claims, aggression and assertiveness on your Monday 13/2 Program ? So much for free speech in this politically correct game that minority groups have become expect ..." 15/02/2017 10:56:45 AM
"Main stream governments are making people feel isolated and this is breeding extreme times...in politics in society and the polling booths. This why Trump got in and why Britain left the European Union. Now isn't time Australia to stand up ..." 15/02/2017 1:16:53 AM
"I'am shocked this muslim woman does not respect our culture or our way of life, if any person wants to be Australian they have to integrate, its obvious multiculturalism will never work because of religion, personally my family are Tasmanian ..." 15/02/2017 12:11:22 AM
"The Prime Minister's lacked passion when he delivered the Bridging the Gap report. Constasting sharply to the toe-to- toe of the previous night's Jacqui_-Yassmin slug fest. His Report Card said could do much better without passion to catch up. Has ..." 14/02/2017 9:55:00 PM
"Given the latest round of character assassinations by Malcolm Turnbull directed at Bill Shorten in parliament. Would removing parliamentary privilege go some way to getting more value from our elected members?" 14/02/2017 8:51:22 PM
"The first casualty in the Power bruhaha has been the truth. Neither has been willing to accept the solution lies in compromises between each. Especially galling is the trotting out of selective astronomical price hikes. It's a throw back to ..." 14/02/2017 8:36:54 PM
"Hidden behind the power security debate is the realisation the Energy Authority played God by refusing to kick in backup power. And the Minister claims he lacks authority over those decisions. Blackouts have fatal consequences especially for the elderly, young, ..." 14/02/2017 8:12:58 PM
"Comment on Q&A - watching Jackie Lambies comments on Sharia law - which i totally agree with. the first one to start shouting was the muslim woman. they always shout - to get their own way. I have read the ..." 14/02/2017 5:49:06 PM
"Fake news is the big topic at the moment. How can people make sensible choices when major media organisations and our elected government are continually bombarding us with fake news? There hasn't been any doubt on the facts of climate ..." 14/02/2017 5:09:38 PM
"Mr Brandis, why are you changing the native title act to trample the rights of the first Australians (and in fact all Australians) so that a corrupt Indian Billionaire can build a mega coal mine to destroy the Great Barrier ..." 14/02/2017 5:02:12 PM
"Should there be a mandatory health (physical and mental) check before standing for parliament?" 14/02/2017 12:04:54 PM
"Can George Brandis explain why it is not illegal for anyone like those in groups like Antifa to wear a mask to a demonstration?? If the test is that they may be going to do something illegal , well their ..." 14/02/2017 11:57:28 AM
"I often hear from pollies the phrase ordinery people. Please clarify the meaning of this and who are the ordinary people." 14/02/2017 9:47:42 AM
"This Government's thought processes don't gel? Whilst currently addressing the failures of Closing the Gap to be at best patchy so needs greater attention it is openly saying Childcare improvements have to come from somewhere, so why not Family Benefits? ..." 14/02/2017 9:26:39 AM
"When we immigranted to Australia in 1982 we wanted to be Australian We came from a country where we were oppressed We had to wait for 5years before we could apply for citizenship and we did it immediately relenting our ..." 14/02/2017 2:13:32 AM
"Why in the modern age are 3 levels of government necessary? Every Australian can see the evidence of the barriers, finger pointing and costs that exist having the 3. Yes we need a federal level on some issues. The population ..." 14/02/2017 12:41:18 AM
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